Dec 30, 2010

Simple Answer to a Simple Question

As always I had a nice conversation with Sarah and she said:

Maybe we don't have guys cause Gods not ready for us to have them yet.
Maybe he's still shaping and molding them so that they can be perfect.
I'd rather wait on a personalized gift than something quickly made with no care at all.

Patience is a virtue :)

Not Without Love. The Soundtrack to My So Far Life Spiritually.

I know that I never seem to shut up about Jimmy Needham lol but his work seems to literally follow every detail of my life. God blessed this man to help those who easily understood through music. If he couldn't get you through sermons, he sure could through song.
I grew up in church and around those who loved him whole heartedly. I guess I took His love for granted as something that was just...there. I took my own route. To that there was Tossed By The Wind.
I became so broken and depressed. I was too convinced that nobody cared, and my chest was empty. To that there was The Great Love Story.
Before I decided to live my life straight to the book I felt as if I couldn't move on from the deeds of my past. To that there was Forgiven And Loved and Rend.
Right after that decision I was still caught up between doing what I was used to and what I should've been doing. To that there was Hurricane and A Breath Or Two.
I saw that he can and will rescue you from any evil hold Satan has on you. To that there was Before And After.
What I went through was only due to our Father and his greatness! I attempted to tell everyone who could relate to my struggle of how I broke free. Nobody listened so I tried to jazz everything up a bit. To that there was Come Around.
Had to acknowledge that all would not be easily convinced but I was working for The Author. People can not live with hatred in their hearts because he is not that No one could do it so eventually they would see the truth. In my case I saw this. To that there was Not Without Love (Benediction).
My life had changed. To that there was Firefly.

My love for Christ has reached an all new height. He fills the inside of my being with pure joy and this feeling that never will I have to hurt if I don't want to. And when the time comes there will be a wonderful man he sends to me that I can love with a great piece of my heart (Jesus is always first lol). To this there STILL IS Unfailing Love.

Plenty of Fish In the Sea. Only One Ichthys.

A friend on Facebook ,by the name of  Analise McCormick, had this to say:

I hate the cliche that there are plenty of fish in the sea. That makes the one that loves you and vice versa so...insignificant...replaceable...worthless, it seems. You know, despite this uncertainty, there is one thing that remains constant. A fish that IS significant, NOT replaceable, and BEYOND worthy. His name, friends, is Jesus Christ. Hold on.

Words of wisdom...

Under Construction

I haven't fell in love with a nice template, so for awhile the site will be under construction. I will make sure to at least let you view everything here while I'm doing it but from time to time it may just be a mess.

Bear with me lol thanks

Never Alone. Yet So Alone.

Talking to a new friend of mine, Sarah, I realized I hardly know any Christians around my age that live out their faith. Of course there are ones that claim the title of Christianity, but in most cases that is to simply to fit in, give people a nicer view of them, or to just make them feel as if they're doing some good. Sadly, none of those so called reasons are legit. Especially for me!
I am NOT trying to fit in with anything.
I am NOT attempting to get people to see me as a docile lamb.
I am NOT making an effort to psych myself out with ideas that I am doing God a favor by making my religion on Facebook "Christian".
He sees everything you do. Hears everything you say and yet you think that just because you make feeble attempts with your half hearted "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep..." rhyme before going to bed at night you have actually done something to allow yourself to be portrayed as a child of God?? You are so wrong.

Dec 27, 2010

Christian Apparel and Other Things

After realizing how hard it is to find things suited for Christians I think I may just start selling a few items on here to help that problem cease. I found some really cute purity rings that I know for sure I'm going to get. If you would be interested in buying things of this nature let me know!!

Dec 24, 2010


"Why is it that the people you just knew you were head over hills for never gave you the time of day until you stopped liking them?" God knows who you need to be with and he has a specific time for that person to be introduced into your life. If you're too busY drooling over someone who you wouldn't even make 2 weeks with then you wouldn't be able to see your soul mate.

Took me awhile to realize that.

If You Wanna Be In the Know...

Go to this site that has everything you need to know about anything. I occassionally write for them but for the most part everything is done by my good friend Kenneth.

Just head on over and look around.
Be sure to subscribe to the magazine!!

Dec 23, 2010

I'm Back (Dun dun dun)

In case you didn't know that was from that James Brown song lol

I am so delighted to say that my beautiful computer  is working again!!!
It is messing up slightly and I still have to re-download a few things, but none-the-less it is allowing me to use the wonderful World Wide Web. What more could a girl ask for?

Dec 20, 2010

Tonight we will party to some Frankie Beverly and Maze just for you!
Love you <3

Dec 17, 2010

Ideas for My Permanents I have been wanting a tattoo for awhile for numerous reasons. I want something small but very strong in meaning. There are some quotes such as:
  1. Child, you're Forgiven and Loved (check out the song for the meaning. Its Forgiven And Loved by Jimmy Needham)
  2. Christ is What Christ Offers...(underneath it) Unfailing Love
  3. They persecuted me for my faith, but it only made me stronger (kind of long but I love it)
Then there's getting a simple anchor which of course symbolizes how my life is rooted with God. I'm not sure exactly which I should get...I'm down for at least two but I'm not trying to get my body covered in ink. I want anything and everything I get to make much sense and have deep meaning with myself. Also, I wanna use it to evangelise so it needs to be a eye catcher.
What do y'all think?
Have any ideas?

Updates and What Not

Actually, this is far more of a rant than anything else.
First off, my laptops hard drive crashed as soon as I got home from school. If you use your computer for everything like I do, then surely you can understand why this hurts my heart.
Second, I found out not too long ago that I have carpal tunnel in my right hand (my dominant one) and it hurts worst than sitting through the Twilight saga.
Third, I can not take Hebrew as I really REALLY wanted but instead I have to take French. It's a tad bit cliche with everyone my age feeling like they'll become extremely chic if they learn it. But because I want to learn as many languages as I possibly can I will do my best in learning everything I can.
Fourth(ly), another performance school has asked me to come do another audition for them but...I just don't know what I should do...journalism or theatre. Tough call even though deep in my heart I know theatre is a part of me.
Fifth(lier?) well there is not a fifth thing...I just wanted to say that.

Guess I'll just go indulge in everything that normally makes me all kinds of happy.

Jurassic Park Trilogy, The Phantom of the Opera (Original 1986 London Cast) , Superbad - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition), Back to Basics CM300BR Cocoa-Latte Chrome 32-Ounce Hot-Drink Maker

Happy Holidays

Dec 16, 2010

Back On With the Tattoos


Religious Tattoos > A Web Site Devoted to Judeo-Christian Body Art

This is a very insightful article to help back up what I already wrote about earlier on this blog.

Tell me what you think.

Who Couldn't Love Em?

These two men are two of my biggest inspirations as a performer. When I first saw this years ago I fell in love with tap dancing.

Beyond the Rack

I did a contest not too long ago that also helped support a new clothing store. I felt like "Hey, why not help someone make their dreams come true?" Because of that from now on whenever I see any thing I like and feels is worthy the exposure I will post their information here.

Today that place is an online store called Beyond the Rack. They sell many designer items for a SUPER low price!! There are a few things I am surely going to get my sister for Christmas. It matched our taste incredibly and to the tee.
Check em out!

Dec 12, 2010

My Winter Favorites

This winter I have been in north Texas freezing my butt off. Denton is a HUGE jump from Houstn weather wise, so I had to actually buy winter clothes (crazy huh?). If you're like me and you don't have a clue what to buy here are a few things that I have found to work wonders with the cold.

This coat has honestly been my bestfriend lol It blocks ALL the wind, and there is LOTS of wind here for some reason. The hood is an added incentive because if you forget a knit hat then you won't have to just go without.

This hat goes with my coat really well because the buttons on the coat are black. I hate mixing brown with black so if I want to change it up with the coat I opt for grey or charcoal color. Because this knit beret is made with a thick material it keeps your head unbelievably warm. I honestly wear it just to wear it sometimes. It can be dressed up or down, but however you do it PLEASE be sure to wash it appropiately because I threw mine in the washer and now its ultra fuzzy. Still very cute though :)

I couldn't find the exact pair that I have but they are fairly similar to these. They are warm and very attractive. Wish I could've got mine at this price.

You can get a scar if you want but a heavy backpack sometimes catches the scarf and chokes the crap out of me lol So I normally go without one but I do have a few that I do wear when I am not hiking to class. I got those from Forever 21 a few years ago and they still look brand new! All you can ask for.

Hope this helped!!

Dec 9, 2010

God Bless America...Pretty Please

Sometimes I don't feel so proud to be American. Now, don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my country but there are things I just cant help but not like. As a person with morals, the right way is always the direction I attempt to go in. As a country there have been some decisions being made that unGodly and cruel.
I want to belong to America the Beautiful
Not what we are slowly becoming in some states...
Prayed for devine favor the entire way to the courthouse
God is marvelous and Im thankful!!

Dec 8, 2010

Christian Chicks

Some chicks have created a clothing line that supports the word of God. As great evangelism tools, their shirts are affordable and seriously catchy. To support them go to look around and maybe even purchase something.

Image of I LOVE CHURCH BOYS Christian T-Shirt
(Don't we all lol)

Dec 7, 2010

Sometimes You Just Have to Learn

God works in such mysterious ways...

You hear people say that constantly to explain the inexplicable, but it takes a personal experience sometimes to give you a true definition.

Oh how I love Him and His ways.

Ontario Flash Mob

My Other Blog

For those who are on Tumblr, and just happen to be stopping through, you can find a blog of mine there as well.

Either way you can keep in touch. It has the same meaning as this one and everything gets fed to the site vis RSS.

Christian Apparel

Check out this awesome site I found on Facebook!
They sell many Christian based items that are geared towards anyone who loves fashion AND God!

Also, they are doing a contest for bloggers which will give me a chance to win some merchandise! If possible could you click on the link as many times as you please to help me win? It would be greatly appreciated.

This is what I am going to treat myself to:

Image of PERSECUTED Christian T-Shirt Its only $17.99

Go pick something up for yourself or a friend.

Dec 6, 2010

Hatred In this Sick World

This literally made me cry. So quick to kill, with so much amusement attached to it.
Two children were wounded and what did they say? "That's what they get for bringing their kids to battle."

Dec 4, 2010

Currently Moving

Firefly is getting a new home!!

The new url is

Please continue to show your support

Much Love,
Allison J

Nov 26, 2010

Karen Owen's Duke Sex-Rating PowerPoint Goes Viral (VIDEO)

This is so sad but its something I see and hear about alllll the time since I got to college. Surprisingly this is my freshman year and things like this arent uncommon at all but the way hers got
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Nov 24, 2010

First Stop! Quebec!

I'm not exactly sure why but I decided a few seconds ago that I want to go to Canada. From pictures it seems to be a very beautiful place with great landscaping and natural loveliness. My grandma told me that she'd went when she was younger with some friends of hers. Everything she said was wonderful.
I did a little research and found that one of the provinces , Quebec, is predominately French speaking. Never would have guessed that lol

Has anyone been there?

Nov 23, 2010

I Wonder...

For some time now I have been thinking of doing some work internationally. Other cultures really interest me with their beliefs and how they live. When I watch television or read a book dealing with a different culture and/or race I get this yearning to go there and meet those people.
My neighbors are good friends of mine and their granddaughter is Danish. Last year her class came to America for a few months on a field trip to learn how we lived. Being around someone my age from a whole different part of the world was amazing!! Even now I still talk to her and each time I feel as if I need to make my traveling to different countries happen.

Does anyone else have the same wishes? Where are you from and where do you want to go?

Nov 19, 2010

Think About It: Racism

One thing I honestly just can not seem to grasp ,no matter how many point of views I look from, is why people are racist.
I swear it baffles me something terrible. Almost every race has been through tribulations and almost every race gets demeaned each day. Here in America stereotypes seem to run the majority of peoples outlooks which of course makes all Blacks good for nothings, labels all Whites as "We are superior to you" types,  all Hispanics as illegal, and Middle Easterners as terrorists.

Stop being so narrow minded.
Its irritating...not to helps the stereotype that Americans are dumb

Allie J

Nov 14, 2010


I am far from marriage but there is this song by one of my favorite singers ,Jimmy Needham, called Light Of Day. What he says in the song is that he doesn't know what God has in store for them in their future but they will walk together with Gods direction.

That is exactly how I want my marriage to be for me and my husband whomever he may be.

Here's the lyrics:

Nov 12, 2010

Shannon Taverez: A Quick Touch to Our Hearts

Shannon Tavarez, the 11 year old actress who played Young Nala in Broadways The Lion King, passed away a week ago after a long battle with acute myeloid leukemia. A spokesperson from the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park gave a statement saying “She was a remarkable and talented young lady who touched the lives of those she entertained, as well as those who cared for her over the past several months”.

Being biracial (her mother is African American and her father is Dominican) finding a match for a bone marrow transplant was difficult due to minorities being underrepresented in donor registries. Although her illness touched the hearts of many artists such as Rihanna, 50 Cent, and Alicia Keys no one came forward. Each performer joined in on websites encouraging their fans to get tested in order to see if they were a prospective donor. On Shannon’s page she states “Some people think that the test for compatibility is scary! They think it is going to hurt or that it is dangerous. All it really takes to get started is a cotton swab of the inside of your cheek. So please get tested today. Who knows? You might be my match. Or, you may be able to help other young people with similar illnesses”. Because there were no donors the doctors decided to perform an umbilical-cord transplant in late August as an alternate to receiving bone marrow.

The lights at the Minskoff Theatre, where she performed in The Lion King, were dimmed the night she died. In a statement released following her daughter's death, Odiney Brown said that "Shannon's dream was to perform on stage, and that was exactly what that beautiful young girl did.

If you want to help out for future children plagued with illnesses such as acute myeloid leukemia you can visit Shannon’s website at to make donations and/or learn how to get tested yourself.

And remember the words of Shannon Tavarez... “One swab will do the job.”

Nov 10, 2010

College and Homesickness...or Irritation Prevention

It's been almost four months since the day the back of my family's car drove away from me. Almost four month since I’ve had to be alone in a room with someone I hardly know. Four months that I have had to deal without having my parents, family, and my best friends. In college it is said that almost all students break down due to homesickness, which is longing for home and family while absent from them, simply put. Many psychologist have stated that it comes about being lonely all the time…I for one will have to disagree with that wonderfully worded definition.

Homesickness is not just the inability of being able to go throughout the day without seeing or being with the familiar. For some of us homesickness is the feeling you get when you have to deal with people who push your buttons all day everyday mixed in with the fact that you won’t be able to easily evade their behinds like you would back home. Being away from home is indeed a bit challenging for some but the addition of a few agitators is what makes you wish you were back home. I’m not saying that Webster is wrong. I'm just saying that some things differ for each case and in every situation should be clarified.

If you are currently living on a college campus there is a great chance you can agree. Over the past week to keep my sanity I have come up with a few tips to keep your hands from going around somebody's throat. Especially since getting arrested is a no go in many of our books.

1. Attempt to stay out of your room. Go roam around and talk to people. Play ping pong (seems to be HUGE in college), eat with new people, and do a few homework assignments in the lobby. Someone is sure to recognize a textbook and strike up conversation.

2. If it’s your roommate that's bugging you then set some rules. Remember that you both have to follow them. Then refer back to number 1.

3. Actually go to class. There is nothing like making your brain throb from learning to take your mind off of what is not the same. Learning is universal :)

4. Do not call home all the time. If you know that hearing your ma's voice is going to start up the tear factory then try emailing instead. Its less intimate so it’s less likely to strike up some emotions. It is 100% ok to keep in touch. It’s not ok for you to make yourself sick yearning for something you can’t have momentarily.

A higher education is meant to be enjoyed. Going away from home to get this enjoyment is a bit more complicated but it’s all a part of life. Some things you can’t change so make them the best they could be.

Lupe Fiasco Calls MTV "Illuminati's Favorite Network" | The Vigilant Citizen

Speaking out.
Hope he stands strong.

Lupe Fiasco Calls MTV "Illuminati's Favorite Network" The Vigilant Citizen

Nov 1, 2010

RSS Feed!!

I finally fixed it!!

Subscribe please!!!

Oct 30, 2010

The Beginning of a (Very Smart) College Students Observations

Not too long ago I was laying in my bed attempting to participate in a beautiful thing the great Lord invented...Its called...a nap.
But of course I cant do that because the room I'm in is only being paid (high amounts in increments by the thousands) by my hardworking parents. I mean...who actually gets use out of things they pay for??
Sounds stupid doesn't it? Almost as stupid as talking to your boyfriend about his girlfriends.
That sounds really stupid and yes it is but its what I have to sit through and listen each and every day.

Fantasy World (that severely annoys me)
This girls boyfriend actually cares about just her but thinks sharing is caring so he bestows his "love" on more than one gf

In the future you will be very lonely

Oct 26, 2010

Not Without Love

I tried Lord
I tried Lord
I tried hard to be Your good little boy
Chin up, head high
All zeal and no joy
Thinking all my good deeds could please Jesus
Boy, was I wrong
Though I knew the right songs, all my cymbals and gongs played the melodies wrong
And it wasn’t long ‘til I saw my disease
A life spent wanting to please
On hands and knees
To make right, to appease
God help me please
This can’t be Christianity, it can’t be
The whole thing’s like insanity
Where’s the rest of eternal security?
Where’s the hope of a God big enough to cope with all my hang-ups and insecurities?
Certainly this isn’t breathing
My chest burning and heaving
It’s like my pulse is ceasing
Like my heart quits beating
Yet this I recall to mind and therefore I have hope:
You died, Lord
You died, Lord
Assuredly, like the coming of the dawn, the Father’s love song goes on
Drowning out my bitter songs
And breaking through walls and barriers
Christ swoops in, removes sin, picks up His bride and carries her
So I can sing in agreement with the King this thing:
There’s only one thing that pleases the Father
The God-man on the tree in the midst of the scoffers
Now I finally see that Christ is what Christ offers
And I’m finally free in the love of the Father

Not Without Love

Oct 23, 2010

RSS Feed

If you are subscribed to my RSS Feed please do not unsubscribe. I am having some difficulties with redirecting my feeds so please be patient.

And if you can be of service feel free to email me!!

Oct 21, 2010

Willow - Whip My Hair( Spoof)*Whip My Wig*

Way more entertaining than the real thing...

Poor Unfortunate Soul

If there wasn't ever a doubt in my mind that many famous artist were apart of something that was...well "not for but against us" there sure is now. Kanye West has sparked outcry from many (and applause from many more) over his new album cover featuring a racy cartoon. He stated on his Twitter account that Wal-Mart had banned his cd due to the cover but that was later found to be a lie and probably a publicity stunt on his part. A representative from Wal-Mart has stated:
"We’re excited about Kanye West’s new album and we look forward to carrying it in our stores on November 22nd, as always, it’s our standard practice to carry the edited parental advisory version. We did not reject the cover artwork and it was never presented to us to view"
As we all know ,as stated above, there is always a edited version sold at their stores. If they won't allow vulgar language into their doors then why allow images depicting what could easily be described as softcore porn?

Kayne. Please exit the building.

Making It Through College On a Budget...

All over the Internet there are articles from some ingenius minds that inform you of how to make it through college without much money. You simply type in any amount of money (just go off whats in your wallet currently since thats what I'm working with) and there is bound to be something extremely helpful that pops up in the blink of an eye. Being a college student on  a budget I figured I would try it out because extra knowledge has never been a bad thing in cases dealing with money. Google is-well-google and that being said I got super excited knowing that whatever I got back would just blow my mind right out the universe and maybe cause me to fall out my chair (maybe). Anxiously I went to Google and typed in "College living for under a penny" and LO AND BEHOLD...Oh so wonderful Google brought me a page full of...
All it said was "You must be out of you're're so screwed kid"

Why thank you for stating the obvious.

I'll go set up a PayPal for donations now

Oct 19, 2010

A Prayer from My Mother to Me

God I ask in Jesus’ name, “Teach me how to just talk to You about anything and everything that is upon my heart. Teach me how to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Teach me how to have and maintain a growing and increasingly intimate conversational relationship with You. Help me to avoid every influence and activity that would undermine that relationship.  Help me be mindful of my relationship with You Lord Jesus and place it above every other value or goal.  Teach me how to maintain a daily time of solitude for the purpose of spiritual growth. Open up my spiritual eyes to the things of God. Help me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of You, Your thoughts, and Your Ways. Teach me how to take care of me for You. For the Glory of God teach me how to be the best that I can be for You Lord Jesus.

Oct 13, 2010

Definition of Prude

It’s been almost a month since I’ve entered the world of college and frankly I can easily say that some things just don’t change. From day one I’ve had more encounters with disrespectful guys than I have those impossible statistic problems and notorious ten page college papers. Last night I had a conversation with some guy that was trying to “holla” and I must be quite frank when I say that the crap that he let out of his mouth was dumber than anything I could have gotten out of a grown man with a first grade education. Every girl is different when it comes to what type of attention they want to receive from the opposite sex. Personally I prefer not being fondled and called somebody’s Mama but hey that’s just me. Anyway back to this guy who made my head hurt with his obviously lack of thought. He stated “When I meet a girl I want to get in her pants by the third time we talk” and when I asked why he felt that way he asked me what was the point of holding out. In his words “An idiotic girl that’s withholding is still going to be an idiotic girl at the end of the night no matter if she gives it up or not so she might as well get some respect”. Hmm…interesting…I didn’t know things worked that way. We talked a bit longer and I gave him my side which included how I thought that every girl wasn’t idiotic and that sex wasn’t to be handed out like samples at Sam’s Club. Of course that just got me dubbed as a bitter uptight prude…sadly he apparently doesn’t know the definition of prude as I wouldn’t be talking about sex in the first place if I were. But all ignorance on his part aside that is really how some people, both guys and chicks alike, think about relationships. Am I the only one who finds this to be total bull crap or am I just a prude?

Sep 27, 2010

Afternoon Show with Liz » Mr. Brown Wins a Guitar.

Beautiful phone call

Afternoon Show with Liz » Mr. Brown Wins a Guitar.

Broadway...Not for Blacks to See...

There are many exclamations on how black people are taking over Broadway. This to me was very exciting news seeing that I would love to one day be a part of Broadway. After attending Phantom of the Opera and Grease I noticed that besides my sister and I there weren't any other blacks there. Being the black dot in the audience inspired this:

Porgy and Bess, Fela!, The Wiz, Fences, The Color Purple, Rent, In The Heights...All have stunned both critics as well as audiences, but that’s not where the similarities end. Each of these productions show a special interest in African American talent and several have been up for Tony Awards. As a race, African American writers as well as actors have infiltrated both Broadway as well as Off Broadway. So why is it that blacks are not being attracted to either?

You can view the whole article here

Sep 19, 2010

Some Enchanted Evening

Some Enchanted Evening
Suddenly gained a new meaning
Definitions changed the first time he spoke my name
Letters lost identities in my mind
I searched for order
To no avail
The brownness of his skin
The distinct smell
Some Enchanted Evening
I met another who understood me

by Allison Jones


I have known struggle
She has known me
She birth me on cliffs edge
Of a ragged narrow stair
Ask both Fyodor and Hughes
They once too was birthed The Blues
I dangled freely over cracks
Pests and insects
Nothing else awaited me
Nothing else felt me
Struggle was my master
Struggle was she
Struggle consumed my spirit and soul
Struggle made herself my deity
She loved me
Oh yes she loved me
But Struggle never stopped being all she could be
Struggle was she
She consumed me

by Allison Jones

Sep 16, 2010

Interracial Relationship Poll

Please take this poll to help me with some research for a piece I'm writing.
Also feel free to make any comments and share opinions in the comment area. It doesn't matter your take on it. Just be totally honest with everything you say.
Also, if you will, leave your race and age to help me compile results more accurately.

Vote in my poll!

Sep 2, 2010

Sharing a Piece of Me (A Fav Poem)


by John Donne

I LONG to talk with some old lover's ghost,
Who died before the god of love was born.
I cannot think that he, who then loved most,
Sunk so low as to love one which did scorn.
But since this god produced a destiny,
And that vice-nature, custom, lets it be,
I must love her that loves not me.

Sure, they which made him god, meant not so much,
Nor he in his young godhead practised it.
But when an even flame two hearts did touch,
His office was indulgently to fit
Actives to passives. Correspondency
Only his subject was ; it cannot be
Love, till I love her, who loves me.

But every modern god will now extend
His vast prerogative as far as Jove.
To rage, to lust, to write to, to commend,
All is the purlieu of the god of love.
O ! were we waken'd by this tyranny
To ungod this child again, it could not be
I should love her, who loves not me.

Rebel and atheist too, why murmur I,
As though I felt the worst that love could do?
Love might make me leave loving, or might try
A deeper plague, to make her love me too ;
Which, since she loves before, I'm loth to see.
Falsehood is worse than hate ; and that must be,
If she whom I love, should love me.

Aug 27, 2010

Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -


Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -


If this is about one of the truest things I have read in a loooong time.

If you are a teenager or a parent you should def read this. As Christians we need to understand this and get it together…and quickly


Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -

Perfect Plan...

When I was much younger I always dreamt of the day that I would find that special guy that seems as if they were made specifically for me. Going away to college I just knew in my heart that he would be here for me waiting with open arms and a bouquet of yes I know. CRAZY!!
You cant blame me for wanting to have someone love me (other than my extra loving family) and want me for me. Love to me and/or being in love is far from fiction. I know its there and I know that someday I will feel it like no other. Whenever that day comes around I just know that it will be remembered forever especially with me having dealt with crap boyfriends.
Tonight just hanging out with some friends and there being absolutely no funny business made me realize that there is still so much time left for me to find that. I just need to live my life and wait.
Perfect plan :)

Aug 26, 2010

After the Storm...Is Sometimes Another Storm

I just had to talk about something that has constantly been bugging me for weeks before I even made my trip out here to Denton...and that is faith.
Like I've stated before I was entirely content with my life and with that I also mean the way I was living my religion. I evangelized, studied, went to church, and everything was just so strong. There was absolutely nothing that could make my faith waiver or even make me think of my faith wavering. I'd built a nice little wall around me that instantly denied access to anything (and anyone) that came against me or my Father.
To get to that point took quite a lot of work and caused so much shifting between me and other people. Yes I understand that the road of Christianity is no where near being easy, but I did love how I finally felt like I was living right.
Now that I'm away from the ordinary I have to say that I feel like a one woman army. Not necessarily alone as in I feel as if I don't have God with me, but like me having no back-up in certain areas.
I have prayed for strength numerous times before I got here because I do not want to backslide or lose myself over the things out here in the real world. I want to stay covered. But it's so hard feeling as if I'm not "exposed"...
Maybe I'm just freaking out because the few friends I do have here aren't exactly the most religious and I'm used to be surrounded with people who love God.
All I can do is continue to pray. Pray and keep my faith strong as my will to get through college without losing the God in me.

First Day!!

My first day of college is almost over seeing that I only have one more class until I'm done for the day.
For the past couple of days I have met a few good people and gotten a lot more accustomed to a lot of the changes that came with the territory.
There's so much to say but I'm not the best to write how I feel in a "journal" type manner. Its...weird lol
Last night we had the Mean Green Fling after convocation and it was not really all that great. Making friends was a def negative lol Or at least it seems like it. Afterwards though is when all the real fun started. Made some random friends which is a good thing...maybe. Idk.
I'm about to start rambling so I'll just end this right here.

Aug 21, 2010

What Could Fear Possibly Be...?

I must be so honest and say that I am a tad bit afraid of being left at school tomorrow. There have been numerous times in my life where I have had to do something that scared me but...this?? Idk what this is. I am extremely happy and sort of excited. Then there's that feeling that I just cant put my finger on.

Today was my last day and I swear it doesn't feel like enough.

Aug 19, 2010

Stone Blind and Out of His Mind Is What He's Got To Be...

Today I saw a guy that I used to have this huge amount of feelings for (careful not to say love) and it was surely unexpected. With him being away at school disliking him was quite easy to do. All I had to do was think of every simple minded and potentially hurtful word he'd ever uttered...then I was so free of this emotional bond. Seeing him today just made me realize how much I did...or do :/ him. That of course made me mad because being how I am I just despise when people go for people that they shouldn't be with or cant be with. In this case I guess its safe to just say that I shouldn't be with him. He's changed a great amount and that amount has put him in a category of a "loser".
When things like this happen I just can't help but think "What in God's name was I thinking?" lol But people change and that was indeed the case.
Still...dealing with seeing an ex is something weird. Def in a category of its own. Especially when all you wanna do is remind them of how much damage they ,at the moment, caused in your life. Thankfully I'm a pretty strong person.
Beautiful thing strength is.

Aug 18, 2010

Movie Talk: Study: Superheroes Might Not Be Such Super Role Models

This is so true…younger generations have got many obstacles to overcome…

Movie Talk: Study: Superheroes Might Not Be Such Super Role Models

Everyone seems to be excited to be going off to college and have this freedom that is beyond what they've ever experienced. With me yes I am excited but at the same time I have become very content with my life and what I have been learning, living. and becoming.
Is that why I am not so excited about college as others? I do want my college education because I plan on going so far but there is just something that is irking me.
Maybe its just some scheme that Satan is trying to pull on me. Making me doubt and worry...
Just thinking that makes me want to shake this feeling.
I learned something tonight in church...
I am anointed and when I have that inner confidence I will know that everything is well with me.
I can not and will not get the same outcomes as those who do not have this anointing over their lives.

lol Its funny how God comes into you and helps you feel so much better about something in such a short amount of time. With the way he works there are times when all you can do is smile.

Aug 15, 2010

There's a voice that cries out in the silence,

searching for heart that will love him,
longing for child that will give him their all,
give it all, he wants it all
And there's a God that walks over the earth,
he's searching for heart that is desperate,
And longing for child that will give him their all,
give it all, he wants it all
And he says, love me, love me with your whole heart
he wants it all today
serve me, serve me with your life now
he wants it all today
bow down, let go of your idols
he wants it all today (x3)
He wants it all

The above is an exerpt from this song that has literally been on repeat in my head. It touches my heart and also a reminder that I need to let go of wordly things and cling to God.

Hopefully it can be one for you also :)

Aug 14, 2010

There Is No One Else Like My Daddy...I Thank Him For Loving Me

Today I went out and about with my daddy to pick up a few more things for college. Shopping is shopping but when you go to get undergarments with your father I swear shopping gains a whole new meaning!! His jokes and SUPER honest opinions on things makes me realize just how much alike we are.
If I had to ever admit to regretting anything in the few years I have lived I would have to say that it would be me not ever appreciating, respecting, or loving my daddy enough. Sure I do love him more than sooo many things in life but to be honest its not shown as best as it could be.
A little while ago I was helping him look through boxes in his office attempting to find only God knows what lol and I was sitting there thinking "Here's a great man that God has blessed me with. I have taken him for granted on so many levels." It is so true. Now here I am about to leave home in about a can I ever gain back the past years to let him know that I love him and that yes I do truly appreciate everything you've done...The simple fact is...that I cant.
Right now just thinking of how he must feel that I haven't been the best daughter and how I don't spend much time with him has me bawling. From time to time he has always been there in every situation, everything financially, everything spiritual, and just everything dealing with my family. I couldn't say that I've ever met a man so strong in faith and so hardworking. Cant say that I ever will meet anyone that could steal that title from him.
I will make a vow to myself to make an effort to strengthen our father daughter relationship. No matter what. Before anymore time is wasted he will know how much I care and how I think of him as a solid rock in my life. Since I've been a little girl I've always wanted to be like my daddy and obtain the qualities that he has seemed to effortlessly contain in his heart. Especially his happiness. Of many things in this world he has to be one of the few that make me genuinely joyful. In my heart I yearn for him to feel the same.

Hold your hand much bigger
Never wanted mine to grow
So I could always feel perfect
Inside your palms just so
No one loves me just like you do
No one knows me just like you do
No one can compare
To the way my eyes fit in yours
You'll always be my father
And I'll always be your joy
~Chrisette Michelle

Aug 9, 2010

"Jesus, Judas, and Brutus"
Uhh...que? I already didn't like Jay-Z but that just really did it for me.
Don't compare my Lord to the greatest liars/backstabbers

Aug 6, 2010

Being a Christian...With Ink

Lately I have been thinking of different ways to evangelize. Of course there's the normal (not to mention cliche) way of going up to people and doing a "Way of the Master" on them. But being a teenager that has to be able to relate to those who are young ,in age as well as faith, I needed something easily understood.
Talking to a few guys at the lunch table a few months ago the question came up asking if getting a tattoo as a Christian was wrong.
Now everyone goes directly to “You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD.”  Leviticus 19:28 — New American Standard.
What people fail to realize with each piece of literature there is always one rule that should never be broken. READ EVERYTHING BEFORE AND AFTER!! Or in other words DO NOT pick and choose what you want from the piece of work and attempt to enforce it based on that part alone. Doing that is a very dangerous thing seeing that it could possibly change the meaning of just about anything. With something as beautiful as the Bible there should not be one reason why we shouldn't take it for what it is in its wholeness. You will never get the real meaning of anything by zeroing in on one scripture and not what was written along with it. In this case this is what was said:
26 ‘You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying. 27 You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard. 28 ‘You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD. 29 ‘Do not profane your daughter by making her a harlot, so that the land will not fall to harlotry and the land become full of lewdness. 30 ‘You shall keep My Sabbaths and revere My sanctuary; I am the LORD. 31 ‘Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 19:26–31 — New American Standard
Basically God is talking to his covenant people telling them to stay away from certain religious practices of surrounding groups. Of those he names eating bloody meat, fortune telling, certain hair cuts related to the priests of false cults, cutting or marking the body for dead relatives, cultic prostitution and consulting psychics. All things that would cause you to stray from God and towards false lower case g gods. Now it does say "tattoo marks" but this is where the research that in my opinion everyone should partake in comes in. Back in that time those marks were not the same as what we call tattoos nor were they used in the same manner. In our day and age tattoos are basically body decorations such as body piercings, nail polish, make up, etc. At that time people got these "tattoo marks" were wanting to connect with cultic religious practices such as honoring the dead. The reason alone of these cultic followers receiving the marks on their bodies was a disgrace to God as Leviticus 19 states in its many verses. But in order to understand just why God spoke against it there must be even more research about these so called tattoos. Modern tattoos are received by having a needle break the top layer of skin and ink place right below it. When it heals whatever piece of art you chose will show up in that place. The marks in Leviticus were obtained by deep gashes made on the face, arms, legs and wherever else to show respect for the dead or to praise the leader of whatever cult the person was attempting to be apart of.
If you were to read that passage in Hebrew you would notice that the word "qa aqa" is used and it is the only time it is used in the Bible. Due to many things in the Bible having to be translated from Hebrew to other languages ,that either did not have that word or had many words with the same meaning, some words had to be substituted for another due to there not being a direct translation. The word tattoo in our English Bible is the word "qa aqa" which in Hebrew means literally "to cut". If we take it in the context of the passage we can safely believe that those words indicate a cutting that leaves behind a physical imprinted mark. Like said earlier this could vary from many things such as branding, scarring, cutting, or inlaying ink into the skin. Whichever way it was done we are sure of one thing for certain and that is that they were obtained for cultic worship. The reason God placed what could be called a prohibition against "qa aqa" was only to keep those people from becoming apart of the cultic worship.
The practice of making deep gashes on the face and arms and legs, in time of bereavement, was universal among the heathen, and it was deemed a becoming mark of respect for the dead, as well as a sort of propitiatory offering to the deities who presided over death and the grave. The Jews learned this custom in Egypt, and though weaned from it, relapsed in a later and degenerate age into this old superstition (Is 15:2; Je 16:6; 41:5). “nor print any marks upon you” (v:28 )—by tattooing, imprinting figures of flowers, leaves, stars, and other fanciful devices on various parts of their person. The impression was made sometimes by means of a hot iron, sometimes by ink or paint, as is done by the Arab females of the present day and the different castes of the Hindus. It it probable that a strong propensity to adopt such marks in honor of some idol gave occasion to the prohibition in this verse; and they were wisely forbidden.
Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., Fausset, A. R., Brown, D., & Brown, D. (1997). A commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments. On spine: Critical and explanatory commentary. (Le 19:28). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

“Make any cuttings in your flesh” (v:28): the reference here is to the practice of making deep gashes in the skin while mourning the death of a relative. This was done to provide life blood for the spirit of the dead person rather than to express sorrow. On account of the dead: as indicated above, this describes the purpose of all the actions in verse 27 as well as verse 28.

Péter-Contesse, R., & Ellington. (1992). A handbook on Leviticus. UBS handbooks; Helps for translating (Page 296). New York: United Bible Societies.

Things we do now such as wearing certain clothing, piercings, wearing make up, cutting our hair, dying it, plastic surgery and so on are all things we do to alter our appearance. If you want to seem a certain way or express that you are a lover of something you find a way to express that. In most cases you perform an alteration of some form and it ends up having to do with your body. When this is done it is simply looked upon as someone exerting self expression although almost all of those things once held the belief that they were bound to false religions. Honestly do you cut your hair, get braces, receive lasik laser surgery, and cut your nails to defile your body and disrespect God? People do not modify their looks to disrespect God or defile the temple he created especially if they do it honoring His word. These sometimes daily tasks have become nothing but a way of expression. One must also remember that the New Testament believers are not bound by the Old Testament laws. We do not need those laws to gain or even regain a relationship with God. If those laws were to be enforced we would have to uphold many laws such as not wearing clothing made of different fabrics, eating shellfish, and certain hairstyles.
The Apostle Paul gives us an reminder that the Old Testament was designed to lead us towards Jesus, and since Jesus was crucified for our sins we are no longer bound under that law. In order to have a strong relationship with God we must have trust in Jesus' death, and not in those previous laws.

I personally believe that you can receive a tattoo and still hold Jesus in your heart. Depending on what the tattoo depicts and where you place it on your body can also help you decided whether or not God would approve. Surely getting pagan symbols and any other object or saying that is disrespectful to God is a horrid choice and may in fact make your tattoo become one that could fall under the category of what the Old Testament speaks out on. Although we aren't bound by those laws there should always be a level of respect that you have for yourself and what you do with the body God has given you.

A tattoo can become a evaligising tool and help you reach out to people. It can also be the permanent sign that you are with God and a constant reminder that he is with you.
If you still have doubts then simply do not get one. If you plan on going through with receiving a tattoo, please remember to:
Make sure what you get brings God glory
Make sure it will not bring you shame in the future
Make sure you will be able to have the support of your parents as going against their wishes would be defying God.

Hopefully this has helped you see the possibilities on this subject.

God Bless,

Allison Jones

Jul 29, 2010

This guy at the courthouse has a old school Rockets tattoo of their championship from...90? Uhh not a fanatic but I think that's a tad bit off lol

Jul 20, 2010


Graduation!! Whew for almost a month I have been free of the binding chains of what has to be one of the most overbearing system in the whole country of America.

Yes, I am speaking of public high school.

I am known to exaggerate a bit, but in this case I have 788 other people who can vouch on this.

No more Big Brother blowing whistles in our faces commanding that we conform to silly rules such as "Stay on the right side of the hallway or detention!".

Finally understanding it.

Jul 4, 2010

Happy 234th America!!

My oh my has our country came a long way. I think we can all agree that as a country we have been through so many ordeals and still held strong. I love my country and at this moment I feel a bit of song and dance coming on...

*puts in Lee Greenwood's God Bless The USA*

Who doesn't love that song? lol
Go ahead and pop it in and sing til your hearts content. Then proceed to whomever is cooking and chow down on some good ole barbecue (that's for all my fellow Texans).

Good Day Y'all!

Jul 1, 2010

So powerful...Keep Both Eyes On the Road

After watching this video I had tears streaming down my face. This should be shown to everyone that goes through a Driver's Ed class. Yes they did show us videos but nothing as heart wrenching as this.

Hopefully it did for you what it did for me.
Be more aware on the streets.

Strongest Conviction of a Teenage Christian

My life had been somewhat of a great one but when I dove into the depths of my mind I could not instantly see the greatness that lied within. Instead I created a place that for me was a paradise that held doom and despair at every tears edge. This place was totally fictional but with the cunning ways I picked up I made it my reality. I tried my best to convince everyone around me that it was just as it was, but sadly there were so many who finally saw that things were not the way I made them seem to be. In a sense it was as if I was the leading lady in a play and thought that every made up line was real and that every action had happened in reality. Yet…it was all made up. Others performing with me would descend down the steps on either side of the stage and go on to live their actual lives. I was the one who attempted to stand on the stage and lure those totally aware of the real world back upon the stage.

I lied to my parents, I talked back to my parents, I resented my parents behind their backs, I dreamt of times when they wouldn’t be around, and at times I wished it would all come true. Life for me was somewhat great but when I dove into the depths of my mind I could not and would not see the greatness that lied within. Instead I consciously decided to live in a place that to me was a paradise but to others was the future location of Hell.

On March 9, 2010 I received a conviction so strong of my wrong doings that I had to call someone. I did not want to cry although I felt like I had to. I wanted to inhale and have God fill up my heart and my lungs and just my whole being…This craving was so strong that I had to find someway to receive it in the middle of a school day. I asked to be excused from class and I went into the office I was an aid for to call someone. I could call my mother because I know it is her that I bring the most pain. I could call my father because he is the minister in my family. I could call my sister because she is my best friend. All three were great choices but then I felt as if they didn’t need to know about this. My change would be like me telling them of this stranger convicting me so instead I called my Pastor. As soon as he answered I rushed right in to explain why I was calling him before the afternoon had even had the chance to settle in. See what happened to me was groundbreaking and although something of this nature would mean nothing to someone who believed nothing of Supernatural powers from God, to me it was the last and biggest piece of a puzzle I’d been attempting to put together for almost a month. In one of my many ways to get around having my phone blocked from service and communication with others while on punishment I set up my Facebook page to send me any message, wall post, comment, etc to my phone as a service message so I could get around the block. (Yes I am just realizing that doing that was very deceitful). Anyway there’s a girl of whom I added but didn’t know in any way other than Facebook. She looked nice and she always made funny comments on certain posts so I never bothered to delete her. This very girl sent me a message that went as the following:

"i took my fb list to church and prayed over it & u stayed on my mind. i dnt know u and i hate to come at u this way but, God says that u r living a life of destruction and to turn from your sinful ways of disrespect and deceit or He will remove His hand from your life. please don't b mad b/c i don't personally know u but i was afraid to not do what God said to do. please dont be hardheaded like i was. my problem was stealing, lying, and total disrespect to my parents. i didnt lose my life but i lost a big part of it and, i'm dying and i know its because of continuous rebellion. sorry to lay all this on u. dont know u so its not personal. i must do what God tells me, u seem to b like i use to be. God bless. please dnt remove/block me as your friend. i dnt have many. please dnt cut your life short like i have done."

After reading that message I realized that I needed to change my life drastically or I would be left behind when the Rapture occurred. Even worst I could die an early death because it distinctly says to honor your parents in the Bible (Matthew 15:3-4 is one I can think of off the top of my head).

There is hardly anything for me to say about this because I have done what it is I needed to do. I just felt as if I need to tell others about what happened to me so they can know that God is loving and he will give his children chances.

He gave me mine and I'm extremely grateful to have received it.

(Enter Allie J. Center Stage)

I realized that I needed to take my blogging further which is my reasoning for creating this page.
The things I write will definitely change at times.
Some posts will be serious and straight from my heart. While some will be expected to not be taken seriously at all, but instead strictly for their humorous states.

I am not here to educate or to be the instructor of certain subjects.
I am strictly here to inform.

Allie J

(Exit stage right)