Not too long ago I was laying in my bed attempting to participate in a beautiful thing the great Lord invented...Its called...a nap.
But of course I cant do that because the room I'm in is only being paid (high amounts in increments by the thousands) by my hardworking parents. I mean...who actually gets use out of things they pay for??
Sounds stupid doesn't it? Almost as stupid as talking to your boyfriend about his girlfriends.
That sounds really stupid and yes it is but its what I have to sit through and listen each and every day.
Fantasy World (that severely annoys me)
This girls boyfriend actually cares about just her but thinks sharing is caring so he bestows his "love" on more than one gf
In the future you will be very lonely
These are just simple words of mine. This ain’t opinion, it’s consensus from my heart and mind.
Oct 30, 2010
Oct 29, 2010
Oct 26, 2010
Not Without Love
I tried Lord
I tried Lord
I tried hard to be Your good little boy
Chin up, head high
All zeal and no joy
Thinking all my good deeds could please Jesus
Boy, was I wrong
Though I knew the right songs, all my cymbals and gongs played the melodies wrong
And it wasn’t long ‘til I saw my disease
A life spent wanting to please
On hands and knees
To make right, to appease
God help me please
This can’t be Christianity, it can’t be
The whole thing’s like insanity
Where’s the rest of eternal security?
Where’s the hope of a God big enough to cope with all my hang-ups and insecurities?
Certainly this isn’t breathing
My chest burning and heaving
It’s like my pulse is ceasing
Like my heart quits beating
Yet this I recall to mind and therefore I have hope:
You died, Lord
You died, Lord
Assuredly, like the coming of the dawn, the Father’s love song goes on
Drowning out my bitter songs
And breaking through walls and barriers
Christ swoops in, removes sin, picks up His bride and carries her
So I can sing in agreement with the King this thing:
There’s only one thing that pleases the Father
The God-man on the tree in the midst of the scoffers
Now I finally see that Christ is what Christ offers
And I’m finally free in the love of the Father

I tried Lord
I tried hard to be Your good little boy
Chin up, head high
All zeal and no joy
Thinking all my good deeds could please Jesus
Boy, was I wrong
Though I knew the right songs, all my cymbals and gongs played the melodies wrong
And it wasn’t long ‘til I saw my disease
A life spent wanting to please
On hands and knees
To make right, to appease
God help me please
This can’t be Christianity, it can’t be
The whole thing’s like insanity
Where’s the rest of eternal security?
Where’s the hope of a God big enough to cope with all my hang-ups and insecurities?
Certainly this isn’t breathing
My chest burning and heaving
It’s like my pulse is ceasing
Like my heart quits beating
Yet this I recall to mind and therefore I have hope:
You died, Lord
You died, Lord
Assuredly, like the coming of the dawn, the Father’s love song goes on
Drowning out my bitter songs
And breaking through walls and barriers
Christ swoops in, removes sin, picks up His bride and carries her
So I can sing in agreement with the King this thing:
There’s only one thing that pleases the Father
The God-man on the tree in the midst of the scoffers
Now I finally see that Christ is what Christ offers
And I’m finally free in the love of the Father
Oct 23, 2010
RSS Feed
If you are subscribed to my RSS Feed please do not unsubscribe. I am having some difficulties with redirecting my feeds so please be patient.
And if you can be of service feel free to email me!!
And if you can be of service feel free to email me!!
Oct 21, 2010
Poor Unfortunate Soul
If there wasn't ever a doubt in my mind that many famous artist were apart of something that was...well "not for but against us" there sure is now. Kanye West has sparked outcry from many (and applause from many more) over his new album cover featuring a racy cartoon. He stated on his Twitter account that Wal-Mart had banned his cd due to the cover but that was later found to be a lie and probably a publicity stunt on his part. A representative from Wal-Mart has stated:
Kayne. Please exit the building.
"We’re excited about Kanye West’s new album and we look forward to carrying it in our stores on November 22nd, as always, it’s our standard practice to carry the edited parental advisory version. We did not reject the cover artwork and it was never presented to us to view"As we all know ,as stated above, there is always a edited version sold at their stores. If they won't allow vulgar language into their doors then why allow images depicting what could easily be described as softcore porn?
Kayne. Please exit the building.
Making It Through College On a Budget...
All over the Internet there are articles from some ingenius minds that inform you of how to make it through college without much money. You simply type in any amount of money (just go off whats in your wallet currently since thats what I'm working with) and there is bound to be something extremely helpful that pops up in the blink of an eye. Being a college student on a budget I figured I would try it out because extra knowledge has never been a bad thing in cases dealing with money. Google is-well-google and that being said I got super excited knowing that whatever I got back would just blow my mind right out the universe and maybe cause me to fall out my chair (maybe). Anxiously I went to Google and typed in "College living for under a penny" and LO AND BEHOLD...Oh so wonderful Google brought me a page full of...
All it said was "You must be out of you're're so screwed kid"
Why thank you for stating the obvious.
I'll go set up a PayPal for donations now
All it said was "You must be out of you're're so screwed kid"
Why thank you for stating the obvious.
I'll go set up a PayPal for donations now
Oct 19, 2010
A Prayer from My Mother to Me
God I ask in Jesus’ name, “Teach me how to just talk to You about anything and everything that is upon my heart. Teach me how to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Teach me how to have and maintain a growing and increasingly intimate conversational relationship with You. Help me to avoid every influence and activity that would undermine that relationship. Help me be mindful of my relationship with You Lord Jesus and place it above every other value or goal. Teach me how to maintain a daily time of solitude for the purpose of spiritual growth. Open up my spiritual eyes to the things of God. Help me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of You, Your thoughts, and Your Ways. Teach me how to take care of me for You. For the Glory of God teach me how to be the best that I can be for You Lord Jesus.
Oct 13, 2010
Definition of Prude
It’s been almost a month since I’ve entered the world of college and frankly I can easily say that some things just don’t change. From day one I’ve had more encounters with disrespectful guys than I have those impossible statistic problems and notorious ten page college papers. Last night I had a conversation with some guy that was trying to “holla” and I must be quite frank when I say that the crap that he let out of his mouth was dumber than anything I could have gotten out of a grown man with a first grade education. Every girl is different when it comes to what type of attention they want to receive from the opposite sex. Personally I prefer not being fondled and called somebody’s Mama but hey that’s just me. Anyway back to this guy who made my head hurt with his obviously lack of thought. He stated “When I meet a girl I want to get in her pants by the third time we talk” and when I asked why he felt that way he asked me what was the point of holding out. In his words “An idiotic girl that’s withholding is still going to be an idiotic girl at the end of the night no matter if she gives it up or not so she might as well get some respect”. Hmm…interesting…I didn’t know things worked that way. We talked a bit longer and I gave him my side which included how I thought that every girl wasn’t idiotic and that sex wasn’t to be handed out like samples at Sam’s Club. Of course that just got me dubbed as a bitter uptight prude…sadly he apparently doesn’t know the definition of prude as I wouldn’t be talking about sex in the first place if I were. But all ignorance on his part aside that is really how some people, both guys and chicks alike, think about relationships. Am I the only one who finds this to be total bull crap or am I just a prude?
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