Dec 30, 2010

Simple Answer to a Simple Question

As always I had a nice conversation with Sarah and she said:

Maybe we don't have guys cause Gods not ready for us to have them yet.
Maybe he's still shaping and molding them so that they can be perfect.
I'd rather wait on a personalized gift than something quickly made with no care at all.

Patience is a virtue :)

Not Without Love. The Soundtrack to My So Far Life Spiritually.

I know that I never seem to shut up about Jimmy Needham lol but his work seems to literally follow every detail of my life. God blessed this man to help those who easily understood through music. If he couldn't get you through sermons, he sure could through song.
I grew up in church and around those who loved him whole heartedly. I guess I took His love for granted as something that was just...there. I took my own route. To that there was Tossed By The Wind.
I became so broken and depressed. I was too convinced that nobody cared, and my chest was empty. To that there was The Great Love Story.
Before I decided to live my life straight to the book I felt as if I couldn't move on from the deeds of my past. To that there was Forgiven And Loved and Rend.
Right after that decision I was still caught up between doing what I was used to and what I should've been doing. To that there was Hurricane and A Breath Or Two.
I saw that he can and will rescue you from any evil hold Satan has on you. To that there was Before And After.
What I went through was only due to our Father and his greatness! I attempted to tell everyone who could relate to my struggle of how I broke free. Nobody listened so I tried to jazz everything up a bit. To that there was Come Around.
Had to acknowledge that all would not be easily convinced but I was working for The Author. People can not live with hatred in their hearts because he is not that No one could do it so eventually they would see the truth. In my case I saw this. To that there was Not Without Love (Benediction).
My life had changed. To that there was Firefly.

My love for Christ has reached an all new height. He fills the inside of my being with pure joy and this feeling that never will I have to hurt if I don't want to. And when the time comes there will be a wonderful man he sends to me that I can love with a great piece of my heart (Jesus is always first lol). To this there STILL IS Unfailing Love.

Plenty of Fish In the Sea. Only One Ichthys.

A friend on Facebook ,by the name of  Analise McCormick, had this to say:

I hate the cliche that there are plenty of fish in the sea. That makes the one that loves you and vice versa so...insignificant...replaceable...worthless, it seems. You know, despite this uncertainty, there is one thing that remains constant. A fish that IS significant, NOT replaceable, and BEYOND worthy. His name, friends, is Jesus Christ. Hold on.

Words of wisdom...

Under Construction

I haven't fell in love with a nice template, so for awhile the site will be under construction. I will make sure to at least let you view everything here while I'm doing it but from time to time it may just be a mess.

Bear with me lol thanks

Never Alone. Yet So Alone.

Talking to a new friend of mine, Sarah, I realized I hardly know any Christians around my age that live out their faith. Of course there are ones that claim the title of Christianity, but in most cases that is to simply to fit in, give people a nicer view of them, or to just make them feel as if they're doing some good. Sadly, none of those so called reasons are legit. Especially for me!
I am NOT trying to fit in with anything.
I am NOT attempting to get people to see me as a docile lamb.
I am NOT making an effort to psych myself out with ideas that I am doing God a favor by making my religion on Facebook "Christian".
He sees everything you do. Hears everything you say and yet you think that just because you make feeble attempts with your half hearted "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep..." rhyme before going to bed at night you have actually done something to allow yourself to be portrayed as a child of God?? You are so wrong.

Dec 27, 2010

Christian Apparel and Other Things

After realizing how hard it is to find things suited for Christians I think I may just start selling a few items on here to help that problem cease. I found some really cute purity rings that I know for sure I'm going to get. If you would be interested in buying things of this nature let me know!!

Dec 24, 2010


"Why is it that the people you just knew you were head over hills for never gave you the time of day until you stopped liking them?" God knows who you need to be with and he has a specific time for that person to be introduced into your life. If you're too busY drooling over someone who you wouldn't even make 2 weeks with then you wouldn't be able to see your soul mate.

Took me awhile to realize that.

If You Wanna Be In the Know...

Go to this site that has everything you need to know about anything. I occassionally write for them but for the most part everything is done by my good friend Kenneth.

Just head on over and look around.
Be sure to subscribe to the magazine!!

Dec 23, 2010

I'm Back (Dun dun dun)

In case you didn't know that was from that James Brown song lol

I am so delighted to say that my beautiful computer  is working again!!!
It is messing up slightly and I still have to re-download a few things, but none-the-less it is allowing me to use the wonderful World Wide Web. What more could a girl ask for?

Dec 20, 2010

Tonight we will party to some Frankie Beverly and Maze just for you!
Love you <3

Dec 17, 2010

Ideas for My Permanents I have been wanting a tattoo for awhile for numerous reasons. I want something small but very strong in meaning. There are some quotes such as:
  1. Child, you're Forgiven and Loved (check out the song for the meaning. Its Forgiven And Loved by Jimmy Needham)
  2. Christ is What Christ Offers...(underneath it) Unfailing Love
  3. They persecuted me for my faith, but it only made me stronger (kind of long but I love it)
Then there's getting a simple anchor which of course symbolizes how my life is rooted with God. I'm not sure exactly which I should get...I'm down for at least two but I'm not trying to get my body covered in ink. I want anything and everything I get to make much sense and have deep meaning with myself. Also, I wanna use it to evangelise so it needs to be a eye catcher.
What do y'all think?
Have any ideas?

Updates and What Not

Actually, this is far more of a rant than anything else.
First off, my laptops hard drive crashed as soon as I got home from school. If you use your computer for everything like I do, then surely you can understand why this hurts my heart.
Second, I found out not too long ago that I have carpal tunnel in my right hand (my dominant one) and it hurts worst than sitting through the Twilight saga.
Third, I can not take Hebrew as I really REALLY wanted but instead I have to take French. It's a tad bit cliche with everyone my age feeling like they'll become extremely chic if they learn it. But because I want to learn as many languages as I possibly can I will do my best in learning everything I can.
Fourth(ly), another performance school has asked me to come do another audition for them but...I just don't know what I should do...journalism or theatre. Tough call even though deep in my heart I know theatre is a part of me.
Fifth(lier?) well there is not a fifth thing...I just wanted to say that.

Guess I'll just go indulge in everything that normally makes me all kinds of happy.

Jurassic Park Trilogy, The Phantom of the Opera (Original 1986 London Cast) , Superbad - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition), Back to Basics CM300BR Cocoa-Latte Chrome 32-Ounce Hot-Drink Maker

Happy Holidays

Dec 16, 2010

Back On With the Tattoos


Religious Tattoos > A Web Site Devoted to Judeo-Christian Body Art

This is a very insightful article to help back up what I already wrote about earlier on this blog.

Tell me what you think.

Who Couldn't Love Em?

These two men are two of my biggest inspirations as a performer. When I first saw this years ago I fell in love with tap dancing.

Beyond the Rack

I did a contest not too long ago that also helped support a new clothing store. I felt like "Hey, why not help someone make their dreams come true?" Because of that from now on whenever I see any thing I like and feels is worthy the exposure I will post their information here.

Today that place is an online store called Beyond the Rack. They sell many designer items for a SUPER low price!! There are a few things I am surely going to get my sister for Christmas. It matched our taste incredibly and to the tee.
Check em out!

Dec 12, 2010

My Winter Favorites

This winter I have been in north Texas freezing my butt off. Denton is a HUGE jump from Houstn weather wise, so I had to actually buy winter clothes (crazy huh?). If you're like me and you don't have a clue what to buy here are a few things that I have found to work wonders with the cold.

This coat has honestly been my bestfriend lol It blocks ALL the wind, and there is LOTS of wind here for some reason. The hood is an added incentive because if you forget a knit hat then you won't have to just go without.

This hat goes with my coat really well because the buttons on the coat are black. I hate mixing brown with black so if I want to change it up with the coat I opt for grey or charcoal color. Because this knit beret is made with a thick material it keeps your head unbelievably warm. I honestly wear it just to wear it sometimes. It can be dressed up or down, but however you do it PLEASE be sure to wash it appropiately because I threw mine in the washer and now its ultra fuzzy. Still very cute though :)

I couldn't find the exact pair that I have but they are fairly similar to these. They are warm and very attractive. Wish I could've got mine at this price.

You can get a scar if you want but a heavy backpack sometimes catches the scarf and chokes the crap out of me lol So I normally go without one but I do have a few that I do wear when I am not hiking to class. I got those from Forever 21 a few years ago and they still look brand new! All you can ask for.

Hope this helped!!

Dec 9, 2010

God Bless America...Pretty Please

Sometimes I don't feel so proud to be American. Now, don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my country but there are things I just cant help but not like. As a person with morals, the right way is always the direction I attempt to go in. As a country there have been some decisions being made that unGodly and cruel.
I want to belong to America the Beautiful
Not what we are slowly becoming in some states...
Prayed for devine favor the entire way to the courthouse
God is marvelous and Im thankful!!

Dec 8, 2010

Christian Chicks

Some chicks have created a clothing line that supports the word of God. As great evangelism tools, their shirts are affordable and seriously catchy. To support them go to look around and maybe even purchase something.

Image of I LOVE CHURCH BOYS Christian T-Shirt
(Don't we all lol)

Dec 7, 2010

Sometimes You Just Have to Learn

God works in such mysterious ways...

You hear people say that constantly to explain the inexplicable, but it takes a personal experience sometimes to give you a true definition.

Oh how I love Him and His ways.

Ontario Flash Mob

My Other Blog

For those who are on Tumblr, and just happen to be stopping through, you can find a blog of mine there as well.

Either way you can keep in touch. It has the same meaning as this one and everything gets fed to the site vis RSS.

Christian Apparel

Check out this awesome site I found on Facebook!
They sell many Christian based items that are geared towards anyone who loves fashion AND God!

Also, they are doing a contest for bloggers which will give me a chance to win some merchandise! If possible could you click on the link as many times as you please to help me win? It would be greatly appreciated.

This is what I am going to treat myself to:

Image of PERSECUTED Christian T-Shirt Its only $17.99

Go pick something up for yourself or a friend.

Dec 6, 2010

Hatred In this Sick World

This literally made me cry. So quick to kill, with so much amusement attached to it.
Two children were wounded and what did they say? "That's what they get for bringing their kids to battle."

Dec 4, 2010

Currently Moving

Firefly is getting a new home!!

The new url is

Please continue to show your support

Much Love,
Allison J