Aug 18, 2011

Everyday Thinking brought to us by John Piper

My feelings are not God. God is God. My feelings do not define truth. God’s word defines truth. My feelings are echoes and responses to what my mind perceives. And sometimes - many times - my feelings are out of sync with the truth. When that happens - and it happens every day in some measure - I try not to bend the truth to justify my imperfect feelings, but rather, I plead with God: Purify my perceptions of your truth and transform my feelings so that they are in sync with the truth.

Aug 16, 2011

Have You Gotten Too Comfortable..?

Every one goes through something in life that causes them grief, pain, great sorrow, and a wide range of other emotions. There are times when we get this gut feeling that we are achieving nothing, and things will not get any better. At that instant is where we make our first couple of mistakes. We're confessing that we will continue to suffer, we're losing faith, doubting that God can do what we see as impossible, and accepting some ill "fate" we believe to be in our future. There's a song from this musical by the name of Godspell that's titled All For The Best. In the song the character that plays Jesus says:

"Your mood and your robe Are both a deep blue You'd bet that Job Had nothin' on you... Don't forget that when you go to Heaven you'll be blessed.. Yes, it's all for the best..."

He says that you feel like your life is just as bad as the tribulations of Job!! Which means that you've experienced death of loved ones, property, possessions, your own health has suffered and-well..go read about him lol But nonetheless you feel as if life just sucks and you can't benefit not one single thing from these horrendous happenings. Then he comes back to say that when you go to the Kingdom you will receive your blessings, so fight the good fight because what's happening is occurring for a reason. Yes, I know that sounds crazy because God doesn't want us to suffer. True. Contrary to the popular saying "He wont put more on me than I can bare" times..YES He will. In the bad times of many people such as David, Paul, and Jehoshaphat they too knew their trials were more than they could alone manage. Paul states "But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead." (2 Corithians 1:9)At that time they turned to God! They could not do it on their own so they stopped attempting to do so and turned to God for help. They became aware, rather quickly, that without Him they could do nothing. But I digress...that's a whole different message. Back to what I was saying..
No, He doesn't want you to suffer, and no He isn't making you go through these things for nothing. Sometimes He puts these hardships in our lives so that we can learn how to go about the situations, and throughout it all feel His comfort. You're praying for guidance, praying for strength to continue enduring, and just praying because that's what we do. All along while He's helping you through He has his hand on you assuring you that He is indeed still there! Just like when you first learn to ride a bike. You're terrified because you have to do it all alone. You've never rode a bike and all of a sudden you have to get from point A to point B. You freak out getting close to shedding tears, thinking you can't do this by yourself because you're just a little kid...and you're right. God's comfort is like your Father or Mother's hand on your back the whole time you're pedaling the distance. You feel safe, you feel as is you CAN get through it, and you feel comforted because you know you're not alone!! 
We're all children of our Father who is very much aware that we have to face the unknown, which is why He stays with us. That feeling of not being alone is how He wants you to feel, so when it is all over you can see others that are going through the same thing, and reach out. Help them feel comforted and safe through their tough time. Paul wrote: "Blessed be the mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble" (2Corinthians 1:3-4).
Now the big question is...Are you using your lesson to help others get through theirs, and along the way feel their tomorrow can and will be better? Remember...God doesn't give us comfort to make us comfortable; He comforts us to make us comforters.

God Bless!!

Allie J.

Aug 14, 2011

Resentment kills the fool and and envy slays the simple
(Job 5: 2)

Aug 10, 2011

I Will Lay the Word Smackdown On You!

I can’t possibly be the only one that heard “Shake the Devil Off” (idk…it IS a southern song) and got sooo into it that you wanted to be like “Aye Satan!! Get your butt up here.” and physically fight him…or maybe I was the only one literally stomping the ground like Whack-a-Mole was life size in my living room *shrugs* Oh well. When I was a little girl I used to ask my daddy why getting rid of sin and the influence that Satan had on us was so difficult. Of course being so young, my mind really didn’t comprehend much of what he had to say. I was a rather violent young girl and to me everything was easily dealt with by physical force. Even though I grew up in the church, my daddy was a Reverend, and everyone in my family was God fearing…I still had this thought that when you were fighting bad, you had to be like them in a sense. I’d heard so much about evil and how we were supposed to defend ourselves, that seeing close family members go through “hell and high water” drove me nuts. Why wasn’t anyone doing anything about this character? Why couldn’t we teach this punk a lesson? In my head it was simple. Just confront him and say “You come out and you make you’re idle threats, like you’re the Great One, but obviously you’re not.” then proceed to throw those little green Bibles at him (idk why I thought that would work). Sure anybody who lives in something called eternal damnation (heard it at church and was severely lost at the time) is a bit strong, but who cares? Whether it’s called a Hell in a Cell, Rage in a Cage, painus in your anus, the only the thing that matters was that I was going in to do exactly what I did best - layeth the smacketh down and get back the happiness of my people….yeah I totally just quoted some WWF -_- Say something about it…
After growing up a bit, and being able to understand, my daddy explained to me how we didn’t have to fight in a physical manner necessarily. Our armor was the word of God. Our sword was the word of God. Our Bible was in fact a weapon in a sense. Not that we were supposed to go beat people with it, but instead we were supposed to read and gain its knowledge. Honestly, I really don’t know where I’m trying to take this. I guess what I’m trying to say is that many people have the wrong idea of what the Bible is to us. I find that some people don’t believe that they need to study their Bible and look into the things that it contains. But when they begin to fall back into step with their old ways they do not understand how that was possible. Going to church, being around other people that love Christ, and believing in Him is good enough right? The answer is no. We need to arm ourselves so that when we walk into the world we can easily differentiate what God wants from what society wants, or even worse at times, what we want for ourselves. As Christians we need to know that we have our life manual, and all we have to do for direction is crack that baby open. Read it. Study it. Pray about what you read. When you take in something so powerful there will be a light that exudes from you letting people know what you’re about. When people know what you’re living for and what you’re willing to die for…it sometimes makes all the difference in what folks will try with you. For the bold folks just say this “You should know your role, and shut your mouth; take a little walk down Know Your Role Boulevard, hang that right on Jabroni Drive, and check your Aunt Jemima, no-pancake-having behind directly into the Smackdown Hotel!”

lol don't say that forreal yall.

Allie J

(Taken for my Tumblr 06/24/11)

Have You Lost Your Zeal...?

The Good News shows how God makes people right begins and ends with faith. "But those who are right with God will live by trusting in him" (Romans 1:17NCV). This means that the righteous live by faith!! They are passionate and enthusiastic about their faith. Beyond excited about the path God is taking them on. If you're reading this and realize that at some point you have lost your joy or excitement for what lies ahead with the Creator, try refocusing. Change around your priorities making Him first, so that you can get a "recharge" on your spiritual batteries and an passion like you did when you first believed. We all know that nothing is more important than our commitment to our God as well as His Son. That being said, never make your faith an after thought for it is your ultimate possession as well as your ultimate passion.
Remember. Where worry begins :)

Allie J

Aug 8, 2011

 I can’t possibly be the only person (especially girl) that gets tired of people pushing half naked surgically enhanced faces/bodies as the epitome of beautiful. Those people can have sexy, hot, smokin or whatever other lustful word you can think of. But the ones that describe a woman from the inside out…leave those for the girls that are caring, kind, loving, modest, and exude humility.
There are girls every where that hate themselves more and more with each day because no one has ever let them know they’re beautiful. Lives have been taken and spirits downcast simply because some one believes they’re ugly. That’s such a horrid word and it hurts like hell…I should know because I’ve been there before and not too many years ago.
To whoever reads this, look deep within yourself and know that your qualities are what makes you beautiful. The people around you at the moment won’t be there forever so why should there words? Ignore the hatred because letting that consume you WILL make you ugly.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.“ 1 Peter 3:3-4

Love Yourselves Sweethearts <3

Allie J
As childish as this may seem (and probably is) I would love to build a fort in my room. One of those blankets on top of chairs, pillows all over the floor, with only flashlights for your light kind of fortresses. Exactly like the ones I spent hours reading books under, feeling as if I were in my own world.
Eating imaginary food.
Replaying the tent scene from Jurassic Park: The Lost World
Wondering if Mischa Barton's character from The Sixth Sense would pop up
Just sitting under old sheets with fuzz balls transforming into stalactites...shadow puppets becoming lurking lurkers and any outside noise a threat to my haven.
Feeling like a soldier. Living like a queen...
Dreaming like a kid <3

Aug 1, 2011

I honestly can't remember what I was looking for when I found this, but it was a nice reminder. Sometimes darker skin gets the short end of the stick in the media, which in turn causes society to disassociate the tone with beauty. Coming from a family of nothing but light skinned people there used to be a huge amount of hatred from my skin color in my own heart. I didn't feel pretty, didn't feel like I could ever be, and I felt like a minority. Crazy huh? Well...needless to say, I no longer feel like that. I love my skin and if your dark as well embrace it! It is a beautiful thing :)