Feb 27, 2012

Vote For A Friend!!!

Maurices Main Street Model Search: Lauren Watson - Grand Rapids, MI

maurices Main Street Model Search: Lauren Watson - Grand Rapids, MI

African-American Complexion Pageant Ignites Long Term Battle

For many African Americans, both men and women alike, there has been an issue over which skin tone is more attractive. Lighter skin or Brown skin? As a brown skin woman myself, I have personally dealt with this type of ignorance from childhood to adulthood. To create even more of a rift, there is a new kind of beauty pagent rising through the ranks of beauty competitions. Poise, grace, and talents are no longer the determining factors of whether or not a woman is considered beautiful. Now, their skin color, above all else, will decide if they are truly attractive or not. The shocking, and horrific idea of the contest, came not from another race, but from other African Americans.


Controversial: 'Battle of the Complexions' contest held last night in St Louis has been accused of degrading women and promoting historical divisions

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106322/Racist-African-American-Battle-Complexions-causes-outrage.html#ixzz1ncfRWeg2

Feb 9, 2012

That Feeling of Inadequacy...

As women, it seems we compare ourselves to each other often. If we feel we lack what another woman has, we feel inadequate. But what we need to accept is that there is not one person who is completely self-sufficient. In fact, God has placed us within the body of Christ with specific roles, to help accomplish greater goals. "If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?.." (1Cor12:17)
You were created with the ability to do something no one else can do like you, and that works into God's purpose for you. Sweetheart, you are irreplaceable :)
In Christ, Allie J ♥

Feb 6, 2012

Blacks On Broadway

Porgy and Bess, Fela!, The Wiz, Fences, The Color Purple, Rent, In the Heights…All have stunned both critics as well as audiences, but that’s not where the similarities end. Each of these productions show a special interest in African American talent and several have been up for Tony Awards. As a race African American writers as well as actors have infiltrated both Broadway as well as Off Broadway. So why is it that blacks are not being attracted to either?

Read the rest here on MeekoSpark
“Sin is the opposite of God’s nature…imagine how He must feel when we, His beloved children, live a life fully embracing our sinful ways. Imagine how much it must sadden Him when we shrug our shoulders at our own iniquity as if it’s no big deal. “No one was hurt because I did ______.” Are you so sure of that?”

Feb 4, 2012

It's been quite some time since I posted anything on here. I've been devoting most of my time on my other blogs, but I will try to bring some life back here.
Also had a problem with someone stealing not only my domain but my name as well...so..don't go to allhisloveliness...It is now www.oncetossedbythewind.com
Hopefully I can get everyone back on the right route to this page because people have been emailing me about the posting the person has been doing *sigh*
I'll fix it yall.