"He gives me... Strength to make it, Strength to take it. I've got the strength to know that everything will work out fine. Strength to suffer, Strength to conquer. I've got the strength to know the blessings of the Lord are mine. Be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might. Know in your heart every battle He will fight. My strength. Strength in my darkest hour. He is my strong tower. Strength to know you're coming soon. I know your strength can be renewed. Be strong, you be strong. I was strengthened in my spirit when He spoke to me. No more fear, I have peace. Who the Son sets free, I know clearly is free indeed. I can win a soul, I can reach my goal, I can keep the victory, For the oil of God is on me, If He tells me to wait I can do it, I've got the strength to obey."
Sighed, grabbed my Bible, cracked that baby open, and the last few passages of Philippians was smack dab in my face. It talked of how we should always rejoice. If we lack something, rejoice. If we have enough of what we need, rejoice. Having a good day? rejoice. Bad days...? Rejoice still. He will give us the strength to not simply endure through things that come our way, but to thrive. To be content!! That's the kinda strength I needed this morning.
Philippians 4:13 says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (NIV) For a second it left me wondering, how could I do everything when I can barely get through a day of mere somethings without being tired? The realization that I'm not called to be some Wonder Woman hit me like a ton of bricks. God never called me to do it all. My mission isn't to to save the world because Jesus has already done that. My mission isn't to be a mirror image of the women at church, in the Bible, and definitely not the ones on television. What I had to realize, before I could ask for this strength, is that I'm either living out my mission or the mission of someone else. When we are connected to God, we can do what He has called us to do and be who He has called us to be. When we get that confused with trying to be what our society wants, we get crappy caffeine craving mornings. The world tells us we have to do it all to be adequate; Jesus reminds us that we are here for a unique purpose. When we are strengthened "through Him" we can not only recognize our God-given strength, but we can also respect out limitations. And when we get to that point, the power He placed in us can exceed anything in our life.
Remember, life can be hectic-crazy, confusing, and hard. Those moments come when you feel as if you're stuck in the middle, moving at a snails pace. Let me tell you girl, being a brave, beautiful, strong woman of God isn't easy, and moving at a snails pace is better than not moving at all. Not everyone can do what you can or handle what you can. When you wonder "Am I really doing ok?" there are folks in awe of what He does through you. His strength is ALWAYS present, and sometimes we all need to be reminded of that. This morning was my day.
Lord, thank You for the strength that is only mine through You. I need that help to overcome my flesh so I can do Your will today, especially in these current situations. We know we can do all things through You with our faith in You. Let it be constantly known that You are constant. No leery feelings, no bad days, no unfavorable news can change what You are to us...our rock, our joy, and our strength. We're thankful for those provisions.
In Christ, Allie J