Feb 5, 2013


Months ago my Pastor told me to read the book of Esther because he saw a lot of me in that story. That same night I read it just like I have before and it went right over my head. Now, going back and truly studying the significance/meaning of that book, I've begun to see a lot of things differently. In that book the name of God is not once mentioned, but His presence is made evident all throughout. When things went awry God was at work behind the scenes ensuring that everything was set up just how He wanted. He was there in the hard times, through times where it was tough to be faithful and obedient, and all the while was making way for victory. Even when we don't understand why things are the way that they are, He has a plan. Our lives can be all over the place, people can be attempting to make life hell, but no matter what...our God is still God! He is and will forever be sovereign. So far, that’s one of the bigger understandings I’ve gotten…this will indeed continue to be a journey. In Christ, Allie J.