These are just simple words of mine. This ain’t opinion, it’s consensus from my heart and mind.
Dec 16, 2012
In Need of a Little Clarity
Lately it has been a huge deal for me to find out what the next thing is. With school, with ministry, and life in general. I'm in the place I am right now, about to step off of a ledge, and I have no clue what so ever what's next.All I know is what it is that I love and have a deep passion for. That's pretty much it...Can't even really clarify on what it is that I want to do after school anymore. I know what it is that would be nice, but ultimately I want what God wants and that has changed over the past year. He seems to be steering me towards things that pertain to what it is that I need to be doing by taking me away from situations that I need to get out of. But like I said...I don't have that clarity.
What remains is my love for Jesus, young adults, mentally ill and/or disabled people, theatre & film, and encouraging others. I have come to realize that I am empathetic to the point where I feel as if I can feel others pain and emotions. Like physically feel it to the point that I literally begin to hurt. That always makes me place myself in another persons spot to see things from their perspective. Even when done wrong I feel bad for that person because a lot of the time their actions were caused by something. Whether it be fear, hurt, or anger. Something pushed them to that point, and though their action may not be right, it still makes me sad. You know...How powerful is a pain to cause someone to feel like they aren't worthy of living? To cause them to set out, intent on destroying others lives...It's grieves me terribly.
I know a part of what the Lord wants me to do because of the weight it places on my heart. He's given me a heart that wants very badly to not only let people know they're loved, but to somehow ensure they feel loved. And to know that they have worth and purpose.
That's what I desire. That's what I have to give while in the Earth realm...and I don't know how I'm supposed to do that to the multitude of which He ordered.
That fact really bothers me.
Dec 12, 2012
Do Your Part
I will go before you and make the crooked places straight…Isaiah 45:2
Tonight at Bible study, it was brought to my attention that lately I've been the host of thorns, choking any chance of His Word to sprout forth from me. With school, work, transitions, and attempting to get things settled...I became overwhelmed. And at some point that began to overtake my action for Him. For awhile now I've felt stuck in the same position...Continuing to feel overwhelmed, and continuing to allow my worries to hinder His orders.
But no more.
Tonight will be a new beginning and I encourage anyone else who is going through the same to run to Him as well.
When you submit yourself to the Lord He says that He will go before you to prepare a way. To smooth the rough and straighten the crooked.
The difficult time you're facing is not the end! It is the beginning, and trust that God has been equipping you for this journey.
If you feel like you’re in a dry season, don’t look at your circumstances. Instead, look at the promise of God!
If you speak words of faith, God promises that He’ll anoint your head with oil and your cup will run over. He will refresh and anoint you to do what He’s called you to do.
The problem is that we allow our attitude to dictate what we decide to believe, and when we want to believe it. Please, check that out and fix it.
Sop complaining.
Stop focusing on the negative.
Acquire an attitude of a child of God! One of praise and thanksgiving.
And if you're anything like me...stop being afraid to take a leap because things didn't work out the first few times.He's there with your plan and He's waiting for you to walk with Him.
Do your part and just go.
In Christ,
Allie J.
Nov 30, 2012
Not Of This World...
Whoa...was doing some reading and came across this:
“But to live like the world and say, I’m separated from the world in spirit, and I don’t have to separate from the world because I’m separated in spirit is contradictory. I know where this idea came from. If you sniff a little, you know what you smell? Brimstone. Because that statement comes from hell and certainly belongs there and does not belong in the Church of Christ. It is never possible to forsake the world in your spirit and not forsake it in reality.”
~A.W. Tozer (The Crucified Life)
Hits you right in the chest.
Sep 24, 2012
You’ve probably heard some guy say this: “I will clean my act up when I find the right girl.” It’s not true. The lie is that once you find the right girl, all your problems will go away—you just need the right motivation, right? Wrong! If Jesus isn’t motivation enough to grow in maturity and pursue godliness, then you are not ready to pursue a woman.
The truth is that when you’re in a relationship, you get their crap on top of your crap. That’s double crap. It is hard to start a healthy relationship with two immature people drowning in crap. Men, get your life together first, know where you are going, then invite a girl to come along (Prov. 16:1–9).
”— | Brandon Andersen |
Sep 20, 2012
Woke Up Feeling New!
I have decided, with God's good of nudge of course, to step into the lane of goodness. No longer will I dwell on negative thoughts, actions, or people because they are all insignificant to His plan for me. Others should not be able to make me feel incompetent or unworthy. These folks do not create the standard, nor do they determine where I will go.
With much strength from my Father I will stand strong in the location He has put me in and do what I am supposed to do.
When my assignment is over and the next one comes, I will be the one moving on.
Leaving them to their works of discord with no one to cast it on.
With much strength from my Father I will stand strong in the location He has put me in and do what I am supposed to do.
When my assignment is over and the next one comes, I will be the one moving on.
Leaving them to their works of discord with no one to cast it on.
I am still full of joy.
I am still beyond blessed.
And not once has God ever ceased to be great to me.
Realizing that...and now I can once again dance in all this rain.
In Christ,
Allie J.
I am still beyond blessed.
And not once has God ever ceased to be great to me.
Realizing that...and now I can once again dance in all this rain.
In Christ,
Allie J.
Aug 26, 2012
Forward By 10, Backwards by 0
It's difficult to gain territory, and it's even harder to keep it! The enemy has plans to take it back and bind you yet again. But the Father's plans are greater! And His power and grace are more than sufficient to hold you up through it all.
"Even when the rain falls..Even when the flood starts rising. Even when the storm comes, I am washed by the water. Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet. Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me...I won't fall as long as you're around me."
Be still and know that He is God. Be encouraged by that fact.
In Christ,
Allie J.
"Even when the rain falls..Even when the flood starts rising. Even when the storm comes, I am washed by the water. Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet. Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me...I won't fall as long as you're around me."
Be still and know that He is God. Be encouraged by that fact.
In Christ,
Allie J.
Aug 22, 2012
I'll Be Praying for Her...*eyeroll*
Lately I've called myself "praying for my enemies" not realizing how truly selfish I was being. Sure, a few good days, extra cash, and a hobby will keep them occupied long enough to relieve my nerves...but how is that truly beneficial for what is obviously causing them their pain? In the scripture "Love your enemies..."(Matt5:44) the word agape tells me I should be praying for the highest good to come to them. And that is for them to know our Lord and in turn have their hearts "turned right".
Fight the bitterness! Be consistent, be compassionate, and embrace the development of a new brother/sister in Christ :)
In Christ,
Allie J
Fight the bitterness! Be consistent, be compassionate, and embrace the development of a new brother/sister in Christ :)
In Christ,
Allie J
Having A Rough Day?
Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest."
Jun 11, 2012
Birthday Countdown!!
Lord willing, I'll be 20 in seven days..He’s been patient with this rebellious, stumbling, and helpless woman for almost twenty whole years! That’s incredible. I get impatient with people after a few minutes and yet He is patient- not desiring me to perish (2 Pet. 3:9). What have I to give in return? Nothing… What exactly do you give back to the God who gives us all things? What do you present to Him who has presented us with all blessings, whether temporal or spiritual and eternal? All we have to give is what He commands. And that's simply what He's due, not what He needs.
Jun 7, 2012
Sheep and Goats
As the Church begins to rise up in apostolic authority, a revelation of grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit, the separation of the sheep and the goats becomes clearer and clearer.
Churches are becoming more worldly than before. For some, worship is a mere performance and sermons are "watered down milk". There are numerous pastors that compromise it all and know nothing about holiness. But because they inspire and deliver warm messages, crowds cheer their names. Sexual immorality is becoming more and more accepted in the Church. Leaders in various ministries being upfront and unashamed of their promiscuity. And of course we all recognize the work of the enemy is vastly spreading when those who have been scholars of the faith for years now question the accuracy of Scripture.
The steady hope is the people who are rising, on fire for the Lord, and proclaiming His good Word. They are a people of prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are desperate to see the BOC functioning the way it very well should.
The Lord is certainly coming, for the distinction between the sheep and the goats is becoming quite clear. If no other evidence convinces you, take a look around, and that fact is clear. In Christ, Allie J
May 11, 2012
He Is My Strength: Morning Encouragement
Once again I have to start off by saying...God does His thing when it comes to getting points across. I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. I felt weak, tired, and I felt like anything whether it physically or spiritually could come beat my behind. We have all had a morning/day like that. Wanting to curl back up in the bed, and go to sleep to avoid all the blahness of the day. It wasn't until a few passing moments of me wallowing in pointless misery had gone by that I realized a song from my childhood had come on, speaking directly to my current situations. John P. Kee and New Life Community choir were belting out some melodious encouragement.
Sighed, grabbed my Bible, cracked that baby open, and the last few passages of Philippians was smack dab in my face. It talked of how we should always rejoice. If we lack something, rejoice. If we have enough of what we need, rejoice. Having a good day? rejoice. Bad days...? Rejoice still. He will give us the strength to not simply endure through things that come our way, but to thrive. To be content!! That's the kinda strength I needed this morning.
Philippians 4:13 says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (NIV) For a second it left me wondering, how could I do everything when I can barely get through a day of mere somethings without being tired? The realization that I'm not called to be some Wonder Woman hit me like a ton of bricks. God never called me to do it all. My mission isn't to to save the world because Jesus has already done that. My mission isn't to be a mirror image of the women at church, in the Bible, and definitely not the ones on television. What I had to realize, before I could ask for this strength, is that I'm either living out my mission or the mission of someone else. When we are connected to God, we can do what He has called us to do and be who He has called us to be. When we get that confused with trying to be what our society wants, we get crappy caffeine craving mornings. The world tells us we have to do it all to be adequate; Jesus reminds us that we are here for a unique purpose. When we are strengthened "through Him" we can not only recognize our God-given strength, but we can also respect out limitations. And when we get to that point, the power He placed in us can exceed anything in our life.
Remember, life can be hectic-crazy, confusing, and hard. Those moments come when you feel as if you're stuck in the middle, moving at a snails pace. Let me tell you girl, being a brave, beautiful, strong woman of God isn't easy, and moving at a snails pace is better than not moving at all. Not everyone can do what you can or handle what you can. When you wonder "Am I really doing ok?" there are folks in awe of what He does through you. His strength is ALWAYS present, and sometimes we all need to be reminded of that. This morning was my day.
Lord, thank You for the strength that is only mine through You. I need that help to overcome my flesh so I can do Your will today, especially in these current situations. We know we can do all things through You with our faith in You. Let it be constantly known that You are constant. No leery feelings, no bad days, no unfavorable news can change what You are to us...our rock, our joy, and our strength. We're thankful for those provisions.
In Christ, Allie J
"He gives me... Strength to make it, Strength to take it. I've got the strength to know that everything will work out fine. Strength to suffer, Strength to conquer. I've got the strength to know the blessings of the Lord are mine. Be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might. Know in your heart every battle He will fight. My strength. Strength in my darkest hour. He is my strong tower. Strength to know you're coming soon. I know your strength can be renewed. Be strong, you be strong. I was strengthened in my spirit when He spoke to me. No more fear, I have peace. Who the Son sets free, I know clearly is free indeed. I can win a soul, I can reach my goal, I can keep the victory, For the oil of God is on me, If He tells me to wait I can do it, I've got the strength to obey."
Sighed, grabbed my Bible, cracked that baby open, and the last few passages of Philippians was smack dab in my face. It talked of how we should always rejoice. If we lack something, rejoice. If we have enough of what we need, rejoice. Having a good day? rejoice. Bad days...? Rejoice still. He will give us the strength to not simply endure through things that come our way, but to thrive. To be content!! That's the kinda strength I needed this morning.
Philippians 4:13 says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (NIV) For a second it left me wondering, how could I do everything when I can barely get through a day of mere somethings without being tired? The realization that I'm not called to be some Wonder Woman hit me like a ton of bricks. God never called me to do it all. My mission isn't to to save the world because Jesus has already done that. My mission isn't to be a mirror image of the women at church, in the Bible, and definitely not the ones on television. What I had to realize, before I could ask for this strength, is that I'm either living out my mission or the mission of someone else. When we are connected to God, we can do what He has called us to do and be who He has called us to be. When we get that confused with trying to be what our society wants, we get crappy caffeine craving mornings. The world tells us we have to do it all to be adequate; Jesus reminds us that we are here for a unique purpose. When we are strengthened "through Him" we can not only recognize our God-given strength, but we can also respect out limitations. And when we get to that point, the power He placed in us can exceed anything in our life.
Remember, life can be hectic-crazy, confusing, and hard. Those moments come when you feel as if you're stuck in the middle, moving at a snails pace. Let me tell you girl, being a brave, beautiful, strong woman of God isn't easy, and moving at a snails pace is better than not moving at all. Not everyone can do what you can or handle what you can. When you wonder "Am I really doing ok?" there are folks in awe of what He does through you. His strength is ALWAYS present, and sometimes we all need to be reminded of that. This morning was my day.
Lord, thank You for the strength that is only mine through You. I need that help to overcome my flesh so I can do Your will today, especially in these current situations. We know we can do all things through You with our faith in You. Let it be constantly known that You are constant. No leery feelings, no bad days, no unfavorable news can change what You are to us...our rock, our joy, and our strength. We're thankful for those provisions.
In Christ, Allie J
Apr 17, 2012
Love Each Other!!
Most important of all, you must sincerely love each other, because love wipes away many sins.
1 Peter 4:8 [CEV]
1 Peter 4:8 [CEV]
Apr 11, 2012
New Worship Song: Giving All of Me by Marilyn Tran
Check out my friends new song Giving all of me on Sound Cloud. She played every instrument, did all vocals, and layered them all herself. True talent and a great worship song.
Apr 9, 2012
Apr 5, 2012
The drummer from Newsboys followed me on Twitter (fan girl moment...ok) and while checking out his tweets, I came across this. That statement is so true.
Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have! ~Duncan Phillips
For a very long time now, I have always held this bar with how I wanted a certain close family member to treat me. The expectations I had because of their role, and how I truly desire to be treated, caused me to give myself this weird ultimatum. Either they loved me...or they didn't. There was no such thing as an in between.
This person doesn't treat me how I believe I should be treated. They don't act the way I feel they should, and therefore they don't care about me.
His statement makes much sense in this situation. Maybe this person is dealing with something that limits their trust, their willingness to emote, and show affection. They could be guarded, they could be hurting from the lack of love somewhere else. So they give me what they can, in their situation. Not that they don't love me...they love me sure enough. It's just not to the point where I would like it to be.
Sometimes we really have to look outside of ourselves and see that others act off of what they're feeling. Same as us. We can't forget that someone may be ignoring us, not because they don't like us, but because they're hurting.
At this point, we pray.
We pray, we love, we encourage, and most of we listen to what the Father instructs us to do.
Mar 25, 2012
I'm finding that God has certainly placed a higher tolerance in me. Some things that would make me lash out, no longer do so. Things that would push me to actually fight people, don't have power over me anymore.
Although I have come a long way, there is still much needed improvement, because now I let things roll off...but they pile up at my feet. When one too many things pile up, I trip over them, and I get very upset.
It's hard to not do so. Especially when you're surrounded by the things that truly rub you the wrong way. For some reason, I'm surrounded by them. He has a plan and He also has grace, strength, mercy, love, joy, and so much more to rain down onto me.
For that reason alone, I know that He will allow me to make it, and in the way that He feels is proper.
Although I have come a long way, there is still much needed improvement, because now I let things roll off...but they pile up at my feet. When one too many things pile up, I trip over them, and I get very upset.
It's hard to not do so. Especially when you're surrounded by the things that truly rub you the wrong way. For some reason, I'm surrounded by them. He has a plan and He also has grace, strength, mercy, love, joy, and so much more to rain down onto me.
For that reason alone, I know that He will allow me to make it, and in the way that He feels is proper.
Mar 24, 2012
Advice of the Century lol
Was talking to someone I kinda consider a mentor in my walk of faith and he basically gave me some of the best advice. He said:
That just blew my mind. The best advice I've recieved in a veeeery long time. You may not be going through the exact same thing as me, but those were very encouraging words. God can and will lead you to what you need to hear/read even if it isn't something you've put out in the public.
Be encouraged :)
In Christ, Allie J
If you want to read more from Unka Glen, here are ways to do so:
Street and Prison ministry:
There are times when the Lord calls you to boldly step out and take hold of your destiny, and there are times when God is calling you to hold ground. Right now, He’s calling you to hold ground. Why? Because His way of preparing us for the plans He has for us, is to put us in over our head and teach us to depend on Him, just to hold on and maintain.
You’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to do, and you’re succeeding. All this is preparing you. Take that from someone who grew up in a very messed up family. God will use it all, you can’t be faded.
Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
That just blew my mind. The best advice I've recieved in a veeeery long time. You may not be going through the exact same thing as me, but those were very encouraging words. God can and will lead you to what you need to hear/read even if it isn't something you've put out in the public.
Be encouraged :)
In Christ, Allie J
If you want to read more from Unka Glen, here are ways to do so:
Street and Prison ministry:
Mar 23, 2012
It's so beautiful how Nala is more than often an illustration from God to me..
Like just now for instance, she woke up, sidled up under my arm, and went right back to sleep. Whenever I move, she scoots closer. Her contented little sighs sound so pleasurable because she truly does love being under me. When we sleep she curls her body around my arm. When I’m reading she does the same, and even when I’m walking around the house, she’s not too far behind. Nala loves me, and I’m positive she knows I love her back. Even if I’ve only been gone for a few minutes, she runs to me with her entire little body shaking from her tail wagging so hard. She finds comfort in my arms. It has been five years since she was rescued and not a day passes that she doesn’t show me how much she cares for me.
Right after thinking of all this, God said to me that how she is, is how I should be. He rescued me from sin, so why am I not constantly joyful with Him? He brings me comfort, so why do I sometimes lash out at Him? He is the source of my joy, my strength, my redemption, and all that I have…so why does my body not shake, dance, jump around, and be moved with these uncontrollable movements because I am full of excitement just to be in His presence every single day?
Time to change some things.
Right after thinking of all this, God said to me that how she is, is how I should be. He rescued me from sin, so why am I not constantly joyful with Him? He brings me comfort, so why do I sometimes lash out at Him? He is the source of my joy, my strength, my redemption, and all that I have…so why does my body not shake, dance, jump around, and be moved with these uncontrollable movements because I am full of excitement just to be in His presence every single day?
Time to change some things.
Mar 7, 2012
For quite some time I have been really thinking about what my gift is spiritually. There's the obvious stuff of being able to relate to younger people (why I wanted to do youth ministry) and being able to effectively communicate with strangers...but I'm not 100% sure where God wants me. That's something I'm gonna have to pray about a lot more.
Wanna be where He wants me to be.
Wanna be where He wants me to be.
Prayer Request
As you all know, I'm in school and things were a bit bumpy for a small amount of time. With that being said, I want to ask that everyone that comes across this prays that God makes provisions for me to get out of all of this debt. I have to come up with $200.00 by March 23 and after that I'll still owe $5,000 in that situation. With school loans I owe about $15,000 and I have 6 months before I have to start paying that off. I've just gotten a job so I haven't been working to have this money saved up already. I don't want to duck and dodge these people because I'm way too young to be in debt and too young to have horrible credit.
So I ask that you guys stand by me in prayer with these situation and that in every way God gets exalted.
Allie J.
So I ask that you guys stand by me in prayer with these situation and that in every way God gets exalted.
Allie J.
Mar 5, 2012
Today I had an interview at LifeWay Christian book store and I think it went great. Had an intense worship time in my car before the interview and I feel nothing but peace.
Tomorrow I'm gonna take my grandparents around to run errands and get my Granny some new walking shoes. Since I've come home I haven't had any real alone with them, so I'm happy that we'll get that tomorrow.
The other day while reading my Bible it hit me that there hardly ever a time when I don't wish there was someone I could discuss the Bible with. Someone I could bounce things off of and also someone to be sort of an accountability partner (never really had one). The amazing thing is, I posted a status about it and almost ten people responded saying they wanted to be a part. Folks in Denton, Dallas, Houston, and even some family in different states are really interested because they've been wanting to do it for quite some time now. Since it's so many people in too many different places I'm gonna make a group on fb. That way everyone can post and everyone can respond. Then we'll have a nice chat that can go on at any time when ever someone is free. We're all in different books, and on different schedules so this will be nice. I'm excited for what God is gonna do with this :)
Tomorrow I'm gonna take my grandparents around to run errands and get my Granny some new walking shoes. Since I've come home I haven't had any real alone with them, so I'm happy that we'll get that tomorrow.
The other day while reading my Bible it hit me that there hardly ever a time when I don't wish there was someone I could discuss the Bible with. Someone I could bounce things off of and also someone to be sort of an accountability partner (never really had one). The amazing thing is, I posted a status about it and almost ten people responded saying they wanted to be a part. Folks in Denton, Dallas, Houston, and even some family in different states are really interested because they've been wanting to do it for quite some time now. Since it's so many people in too many different places I'm gonna make a group on fb. That way everyone can post and everyone can respond. Then we'll have a nice chat that can go on at any time when ever someone is free. We're all in different books, and on different schedules so this will be nice. I'm excited for what God is gonna do with this :)
Feb 27, 2012
Vote For A Friend!!!
Maurices Main Street Model Search: Lauren Watson - Grand Rapids, MI
maurices Main Street Model Search: Lauren Watson - Grand Rapids, MI
maurices Main Street Model Search: Lauren Watson - Grand Rapids, MI
African-American Complexion Pageant Ignites Long Term Battle
For many African Americans, both men and women alike, there has been an issue over which skin tone is more attractive. Lighter skin or Brown skin? As a brown skin woman myself, I have personally dealt with this type of ignorance from childhood to adulthood. To create even more of a rift, there is a new kind of beauty pagent rising through the ranks of beauty competitions. Poise, grace, and talents are no longer the determining factors of whether or not a woman is considered beautiful. Now, their skin color, above all else, will decide if they are truly attractive or not. The shocking, and horrific idea of the contest, came not from another race, but from other African Americans.

Read more:
Feb 20, 2012
Feb 9, 2012
That Feeling of Inadequacy...
As women, it seems we compare ourselves to each other often. If we feel we lack what another woman has, we feel inadequate. But what we need to accept is that there is not one person who is completely self-sufficient. In fact, God has placed us within the body of Christ with specific roles, to help accomplish greater goals. "If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?.." (1Cor12:17)
You were created with the ability to do something no one else can do like you, and that works into God's purpose for you. Sweetheart, you are irreplaceable :)
In Christ, Allie J ♥
You were created with the ability to do something no one else can do like you, and that works into God's purpose for you. Sweetheart, you are irreplaceable :)
In Christ, Allie J ♥
Feb 6, 2012
Blacks On Broadway
Porgy and Bess, Fela!, The Wiz, Fences, The Color Purple, Rent, In the Heights…All have stunned both critics as well as audiences, but that’s not where the similarities end. Each of these productions show a special interest in African American talent and several have been up for Tony Awards. As a race African American writers as well as actors have infiltrated both Broadway as well as Off Broadway. So why is it that blacks are not being attracted to either?
Read the rest here on MeekoSpark
Read the rest here on MeekoSpark
“Sin is the opposite of God’s nature…imagine how He must feel when we, His beloved children, live a life fully embracing our sinful ways. Imagine how much it must sadden Him when we shrug our shoulders at our own iniquity as if it’s no big deal. “No one was hurt because I did ______.” Are you so sure of that?”
Feb 4, 2012
It's been quite some time since I posted anything on here. I've been devoting most of my time on my other blogs, but I will try to bring some life back here.
Also had a problem with someone stealing not only my domain but my name as't go to allhisloveliness...It is now
Hopefully I can get everyone back on the right route to this page because people have been emailing me about the posting the person has been doing *sigh*
I'll fix it yall.
Also had a problem with someone stealing not only my domain but my name as't go to allhisloveliness...It is now
Hopefully I can get everyone back on the right route to this page because people have been emailing me about the posting the person has been doing *sigh*
I'll fix it yall.
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