Nov 19, 2010

Think About It: Racism

One thing I honestly just can not seem to grasp ,no matter how many point of views I look from, is why people are racist.
I swear it baffles me something terrible. Almost every race has been through tribulations and almost every race gets demeaned each day. Here in America stereotypes seem to run the majority of peoples outlooks which of course makes all Blacks good for nothings, labels all Whites as "We are superior to you" types,  all Hispanics as illegal, and Middle Easterners as terrorists.

Stop being so narrow minded.
Its irritating...not to helps the stereotype that Americans are dumb

Allie J


  1. definitely agree that its labels American's as a whole. You can really see it with other countries response to America. They don't single out one group they hate the whole bunch. And what's even worse is that we, American's don't realize that.

  2. Our government does not care. Americans are "think-for-themselfers"


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