Jan 1, 2011


Normally I would bring in the new year at my church...quite frankly the program is a tad bit dry, so I was super excited to learn that my Daddy's friend could get us really nice seats at a Kirk Franklin concert. It was held at the Berry Center in Cypress, and hosted by the Church Without Walls. The concert was AWESOME (seriously, I danced and sung the ENTIRE time) and the message the Pastor gave was just as great. This has had to be probably one of the best new years. I am thankful for that.

Kirk Franklin being still long enough for me to get a non-blurry pic lol


My Ma Praising

The Wonderful Choir

My Sister and I

Hope you had a great start to 2011 as well!!!

Much Love

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you! Kirk looks so long in that pic. As far as blog templates, check out btemplates.com, they have a plethora of templates (free of course!). Welcome to the blogging community and don't be a stranger when it comes to commenting, you might see that it is W$RTH your wild.

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