Oct 30, 2010

The Beginning of a (Very Smart) College Students Observations

Not too long ago I was laying in my bed attempting to participate in a beautiful thing the great Lord invented...Its called...a nap.
But of course I cant do that because the room I'm in is only being paid (high amounts in increments by the thousands) by my hardworking parents. I mean...who actually gets use out of things they pay for??
Sounds stupid doesn't it? Almost as stupid as talking to your boyfriend about his girlfriends.
That sounds really stupid and yes it is but its what I have to sit through and listen each and every day.

Fantasy World (that severely annoys me)
This girls boyfriend actually cares about just her but thinks sharing is caring so he bestows his "love" on more than one gf

In the future you will be very lonely


  1. hi...just found your blog. Like the book backgound...nd the firefly name....☺

  2. Thanks!!
    It has great meaning behind it

  3. lol I was so so so so so so so so so so highly annoyed

    I wanted that nap rather badly lol


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