Oct 21, 2010

Making It Through College On a Budget...

All over the Internet there are articles from some ingenius minds that inform you of how to make it through college without much money. You simply type in any amount of money (just go off whats in your wallet currently since thats what I'm working with) and there is bound to be something extremely helpful that pops up in the blink of an eye. Being a college student on  a budget I figured I would try it out because extra knowledge has never been a bad thing in cases dealing with money. Google is-well-google and that being said I got super excited knowing that whatever I got back would just blow my mind right out the universe and maybe cause me to fall out my chair (maybe). Anxiously I went to Google and typed in "College living for under a penny" and LO AND BEHOLD...Oh so wonderful Google brought me a page full of...
All it said was "You must be out of you're mind...you're so screwed kid"

Why thank you for stating the obvious.

I'll go set up a PayPal for donations now

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