Mar 25, 2012

I'm finding that God has certainly placed a higher tolerance in me. Some things that would make me lash out, no longer do so. Things that would push me to actually fight people, don't have power over me anymore.
Although I have come a long way, there is still much needed improvement, because now I let things roll off...but they pile up at my feet. When one too many things pile up, I trip over them, and I get very upset.
It's hard to not do so. Especially when you're surrounded by the things that truly rub you the wrong way. For some reason, I'm surrounded by them. He has a plan and He also has grace, strength, mercy, love, joy, and so much more to rain down onto me.

For that reason alone, I know that He will allow me to make it, and in the way that He feels is proper.

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