Aug 27, 2010

Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -


Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -


If this is about one of the truest things I have read in a loooong time.

If you are a teenager or a parent you should def read this. As Christians we need to understand this and get it together…and quickly


Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians -


  1. Jennifer Fuentes-SosaSeptember 4, 2010 at 9:30 AM

    I really like this topic! People think believening in Him is enough. That when you pray for His guidance or help He should answer just because you believen in Him. It's more than that! You need to listen and follow His word. Stand up for Him and believen also in what His word is!

  2. Amen Jennifer!! I used to catch myself just calling myself a Christian without the actions a few times earlier in my life.
    And just fyi...I appreciate this comment a lot. <3


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