Dec 30, 2010

Never Alone. Yet So Alone.

Talking to a new friend of mine, Sarah, I realized I hardly know any Christians around my age that live out their faith. Of course there are ones that claim the title of Christianity, but in most cases that is to simply to fit in, give people a nicer view of them, or to just make them feel as if they're doing some good. Sadly, none of those so called reasons are legit. Especially for me!
I am NOT trying to fit in with anything.
I am NOT attempting to get people to see me as a docile lamb.
I am NOT making an effort to psych myself out with ideas that I am doing God a favor by making my religion on Facebook "Christian".
He sees everything you do. Hears everything you say and yet you think that just because you make feeble attempts with your half hearted "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep..." rhyme before going to bed at night you have actually done something to allow yourself to be portrayed as a child of God?? You are so wrong.

There are scriptures that surely, directly, and CLEARLY state that pre-marital sex/lusting after someone is WRONG, getting drunk is WRONG, worshiping idols is WRONG, and just about everything I see people doing in college as well as generally around me.
Sarah and I both stated how we have found ourselves losing friends quickly due to not being able to tolerate their behavior. It isnt making a judgement call on those people, instead its simply that when you are one way it is hard to accept someone going against your grain. Not the grain of society or your community but just specifically the way YOU are.
Not only is it hard to find friends period that are truly lovers of God but to find someone to be in a relationship with is even harder. For some strange reason (insert sarcasm here) there just seems to be a shortage of guys who are willing to wait for sex. Hmmm? Who'da ever thunkit?!? I mean they do have the best role models anyone could have.
On a serious note there is no problem being around imperfect folks because I am far from perfect myself, even though I put great effort into living as right as I can. In fact there is sort of a necessity for people who are true at heart to be around those who aren't because we are to spread the word of Christ to every person that we can. You might just be the only one definition of Jesus they know and to remove that from their life would be a mistake. At least with you around they can witness the great works of our Lord and Savior and take note that the word Christian is more than merely an religion. But other than from constant prayer with our Lord who am I, Sarah, and anyone else facing this problem supposed to be able to talk about our faith with? The Lord pulls through on everything but there are times when you want a person to come with you to go see a movie or just sit and talk.
All I'm trying to say is...I'm so tired of being "alone".


  1. Dear Allie it seems so hard for young people to wait and often yes it is lonely. Just been to two Christian weddings lately and they were so beautiful that I wept 'cause of God's grace. These young people waited and were faithful. Just remember Psalm 37:4
    PS Thanks for heartfelt review at LF and for becoming a follower on my blog.

  2. Amen, My sista,

    The problem of being alone is a problem. The problem of being lonely is. You can have someone around and still be alone or lonely. How do you fix that?

    Well since we understand that Christianity is based on relationship and the one to whom we are in relationship with has promised to never leave me or forsake me. How do we prosper from that relationship to fill the loneliness inside? If we are never alone why do we get pulled oon to have someOne with us to talk to when we can talk to him!

    I beleive that when we are properly mixed up in our relationship with Him (God) then we can reject a lot of things that normally would bother people who are still alive. We have natural desires that cause us to long for things in this world like the non believer, but we should not be without hope as they are. Marriages is natural and dating is natural but they are not essential like sex isn't either. It talks a different relationship in your mind or heart to overcome these pulls. Why can't I see people who don't see eye to eye with me? If I can't date them I still need to talk to them to help them overcome what I have already overcome. Let's say I go to the movies, me and my friend (same sex). You see a guy there who tries to talk to you, can I talk to him? I didn't go to the movies with him, but I am being approached. The answer is yes. My conversation however should not be starting with Lil mama or big Pappa. I have to put a check on that because that isn't going the way I beleive it should. Respect is easier kept than regained. So I have to set the record straight upfront on who I am and what I believe. Now I can try to share with them in conversation about someone who can change anybody etc.

    So our criteria isn't if I can be around them if not saved because I need to be around them not saved. The more people I talk to the better my chances of finding the others who were like Elijah meantioned when he said" I only I am left to represent God". Gods answer was not you are not alone, for I have over 4,000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal. So God always has a ram in the bush. We sometimes have to get stuck beating the bushes to find it. Most of the time if we are doing our due dilligence we will be found. "When a man finds a wife (women worthy of being one) he findeth a good thing. Our efforts are to be what God called us to be and when the person who was created to fulfill our purpose shows up we will be ready.

    I don't know if there was a response section but I couldn't help myself. I am one of you.

  3. LoCTY- It does seem that way 100% What I dont understand though is how we have self professed sex feigns and we're only 16-19 years old? Like...seriously? It is not that hard to want to fall in love before you get it on, and not that oh he loves me because we have sex love. I do just fine and I deal with the same temptations...*eyeroll* lol
    Mac J: Oh yes sir! I read about that and its sorta why Im almost content with it. Id just rather people say they hate Jesus (their actions show they do) than say they love him and pay no mind to what he asks.


  5. Brandon- Just doing what Im supposed to
    Thank you for the support. It is greatly appreciated and much needed.


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