Dec 30, 2010

Plenty of Fish In the Sea. Only One Ichthys.

A friend on Facebook ,by the name of  Analise McCormick, had this to say:

I hate the cliche that there are plenty of fish in the sea. That makes the one that loves you and vice versa so...insignificant...replaceable...worthless, it seems. You know, despite this uncertainty, there is one thing that remains constant. A fish that IS significant, NOT replaceable, and BEYOND worthy. His name, friends, is Jesus Christ. Hold on.

Words of wisdom...

1 comment:

  1. So true, even Jesus operated in authority over the fish in the sea. MAtter of fact he can even identify on with money in his mouth. It is true neverthe les that there are many fish in the sea but Jesus can narrow down the one that is for you and for me!


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